March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Windowsill Gardening

If you don’t have a greenhouse then a windowsill will do when it comes to gardening. You may not have much room but the windowsill gardening technique will certainly help germinate your seeds and grow your seedlings on until they are ready to plant out.
Get creative with your herbs, they thrive on a windowsill. This little strip of space will definitely kick start your growing season.

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#windowsillgardening #sweetpeas

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Windowsill Gardening

  1. I suspect your views on 'the current situation' are not unlike my own. F*ck 'em, in other words.
    We are living in strange times, but we will prevail. Happy gardening, Adam. Keep that camera rolling!

  2. We're under martial law. And I'm quite happy with that, to be honest. We have plenty of toilet paper tho, but can't buy flour or cooking oil to save my life. Guess different countries have different priorities.

  3. Hi Adam, Great video, I wish I had a windowsill that had a clear glass but I don't and that is why I have 2 grow lightboxes and they work well, You have the right idea regarding your back garden fill it up with pots and buckets, Keep up the good work and Take care.

  4. Hi Adam, blimey mate how big is your windowsill Lol!
    we only have a tiny one in the sunniest aspect of our house.
    interesting to hear your thoughts about the possibility of being locked down and unable to get to our plots (was thinking same myself today) It could end up with me having to dig beds in the lawn for our veg and re-turf when all this situation has resolved.

  5. Adam, one thing I've noticed is that your homes generally have a deeper windowsill to allow for you to start your plants, which, I think is a fabulous idea. Here, we have no real sill to speak of. I agree, start a garden with all this time people will have on their hands. Check on your elderly. They are in the most need now. It's nice to be nice. Be well and stay safe, can't wait to see the back garden. Catherine

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