Come along with us as we do another round of house hunting for our new manufactured home! These houses are gorgeous and you would never believe they are manufactured homes! #househunting #manufacturedhomes
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Aww I loved this vlog
can’t wait to see which one they picked.
Very interesting. As a person who loves natural light and windows, the single-wide looked great. Can’t wait to see what you choose. Thanks for taking us along as you explore the options.
We thought about doing manufacturer homes. Beautiful!
The single wide would be awesome for all of your plants with all of the windows !
The new manufactured homes are sooo nice.
I think y'all pick the single wide. That is the best one by far out of all of the one's y'all have looked at. Congratulations. Can't wait until y'all bring it home.
By the way, what is the manufacturer name and model name of the single wide?
I am trying to buy a mobile home the only thing I don’t like is the vinyl on the walls because you can’t paint the walls or put baseboards or crown molding I don’t think?
Single wides are too small. Buy bigger or later on you may regret it. Bigger in a home is always better.
Awesome cant wait to see which one yall pick, my wife and I are looking for manufacture homes as well!
Do they come with all those tables and chairs inside is that included i have noticed alot of them are not completely empty they have tables or sofas
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I love the 3 house…
It would've been great had you included name of manufacturer and prices, range of prices, links, etc.
We love house 3.
I like 2 and 3. On 2 if you did decide to keep the entertainment center you could always get that middle section as a fireplace. I would also ask if it came in a modular. Wind package number 3 or more for sturdiness and higher insulation package. What is under the walls is as important as what it looks like. And if you reduce the island you could always get one section in deep drawers for pans and still have space.
Home 3. The island nook could be changed to a small base type cabinet maybe for for storage?
Do you know how much more to have dry wall walls
Thoes were nice!
Would have been nice to hear the different square feet and prices.
Did you guys pick one?
Edit: nvm just saw your newer video on this