Homesteaders of America HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD Series Intro:
My old seed saving video that SHOWS a lot of the methods hands on:
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Thank you!!! I learned a lot.
Thanks Jesse for your tips! Fermenting heirloom tomato seeds tonight with the help of your video!
I believe that a food shortage is on the way. So I’m studying and learning as much as I can to be prepared to take care of my children in hard times. So thank you so much.
Can I get seeds off of the vegetables in the grocery stores.
Hi If I grow two different varieties of heirloom corn on a farm, if I want to keep the seeds, how far is the distance between the two corns at least? Could you give me some suggestion?
Wow thanks so much for this video Jess, you explain things so well! Also neat to have this info in advance of the season
What did you study in college? You are an excellent teacher.
Where do you BUY your seeds
So, by the time you have an open pollinated variety, would that be considered an heirloom? At what point is the distinction made?
I, too, have several "happy little hybrid accidents" that I am trying to stabilize. Those are some of my favorites!
A lot of good information. TY
I NEEDED this video! So valuable, and so are you! Be blessed!
I bought a blue Hubbard squash from the Amish went to save the seed and I sealed it up to soon and it got moldy well I planted some anyway just to see what would happen and had 100% germination!
I'm about to plant my first real garden. I've been thinking about saving seed and this was the most gentle, easy to understand and encouraging video. Thank you!!
Tomatoes don't cross that much, even close. Currant, wild, and potato leaf varieties do because the stamens are long (my understanding).
5:09 Vegans left the chat.
I need to get in touch with someone that has a seed stash near me. I want the stories with them too. Definitely knew I wanted to save my own seeds and this video helped so much now I know I can do it. (I didn’t want to ask where the seed of a carrot came from)
Lots of great info in this video, listen up! Once you find the heirlooms that do well in your particular area and zone, stick with those. It's fun to try something new, but… don't try all new seeds in one year, just in case those don't do well and your garden fails.
I am always sharing your videos. I've sent 3 people links to this one alone. Thank you and hope ur move is going well. Blessings.
This is a wonderful explanation! Thank you for teaching people to be more confident in their gardening skills
Amazing!!! Thank you. Great review for me.
What great information!! You are so knowledgeable!! Thank you for the education!!

Thank you so much.
I love this video and followed these instructions from last year. But I have to disagree with your statement saying that beans don't cross breed. I grew purple bush beans and green Bush beans last year and saved some of the purple bush bean seeds. Following your instructions on how to dry and store they grew and produced beans this year that were a modlily purple and green. Lol I love an experiment.