March 26, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Things We Are Doing NOW to Prepare for LOCKDOWN

In this video, I give you 5 things that we are doing NOW to prepare for LOCKDOWN so we can be as self-sufficient and prepared for future events.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Things We Are Doing NOW to Prepare for LOCKDOWN

  1. I live in an Australian city and years ago I used to make my own bread, preserves, dry food, make my own soap, clothes washing detergent, grow veg etc, but the busyness of life got in the way and I let it all go. Your videos have reignited why I did that in the first place. Thank you so much.

  2. That's quite a nice bread maker with a lot of good pre-programmed settings. I can do a lot of pastries and cakes and pasta, but for some reason bread absolutely never works for me in the oven. I'll look for that model and see if they sell it.

  3. hello from Canada, going over some previous videos and this one rings true for us too. We don't have a big spread like yours but we do have a nice size veggie garden thankfully. But like you we are quite ok with staying home and only going out for essentials, but funny you talk about hardware stores that is the one thing we miss just running out for stuff to build lol. Well thanks for the video you just crack me up with your humor, stay safe 🙂

  4. Just wish i could have a miniature cow or goat for my very small back yard. My front yard is all fruit and veg garden. My winter crops failed due to flooding rains. Im on my own so I cook meals and freez them in portions, so have plenty of meals. I have 2 chooks so usually plenty of eggs but alas they have gone off laying (so cold Central Coast NSW). Im actually loosing weight lol (less junk food, takeaway) Mark do you have cow? Wish I could live on few acres I could be totally Self Sufficient.

  5. Breadmakers are cool. I love to make my own the old fashioned way, but 1) just don't have enought time for it now. 2) I live in Florida, USA which is similar to your climate. It's just too bloody hot to bake unless its in the winter. That said, its a nice appliance to take advantage of in those situations. Love your videos Mark. Humour and education. So glad I stumbled on them.

  6. Here in the US we call it a "covey" (kuh-vee) of quail. Love your content, this year has had me kick my gardening skills into overdrive due to how crazy its getting here. I also love that you hung a silhouette target out in your yard. A big thanks, one old soldier to another.

  7. The planet loves Lockdown…pollution way down …nature loves Lockdown too, hardly any cars, nice and quiet, the birds love it 🙂 And so do I – it's like living back in the 70's when life was simple and slower and less stressful and Dad spent his weekends in the vege garden and Mum coked the homegrown produce :):)

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