March 20, 2025

VIDEO: How To Turn Your Lawn Into A Vegetable Garden

In this video I’ll show how I removed my weed filled lawn then amended the soil and create garden and beds to grows a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

Here is a full video list of every step I’ve taken so far to create and maintain an incredibly productive and widely diverse organic vegetable garden.

Step 1. Soil Test:

Step 2. Soil Prep (this video):

Step 3. Pathways:

Step 4. Irrigation:

Step 5. Planting:

Step 6. Tomato Trellising:

Step 7. Trellis Build:

Step 8. Fertilizing and Maintenance: Soon

Step 9. Fall Garden Prep and Planting

Step 10: Pest Management (Organic)
Coming Soon – be sure to SUBSCRIBE!
My favorite soil amendment/potting soil:

The Starter Fertilizer I use when planting every plant in my garden:

The Organic Vegetable Fertilizer I Use:


Other favorite organic soil amendments and fertilizers

Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer (Blood Meal):

Other products I use:


Music: Morning Mandoline by Chris Haugen

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Turn Your Lawn Into A Vegetable Garden

  1. Why is it ok to use compost that includes bat guano in an edible vegetable garden when their excrement is usually toxic to humans when in an attic, for instance?

  2. and a quick question when im planting my plants in the ground should i just dig a whole and put it in and cover the plant up with ground dirt or should i buy soil and cover it with soil?

  3. At 3 minutes in, you are gathering up the weed roots, etc, and putting them in a wheelbarrow. What's next for those? Is that compostable?

  4. This is one of my favorite videos I’ve ever seen about gardening. I complain often about so much wasted space with lawns that could be producing food with a garden. Great video. I’d love to start a buisness with changing lawns into gardens.

  5. Learn the no-dig gardening from Ruth Stout method with much less work for much long term benefits. Less work with less expense. Learn from experienced hay gardeners' videos. Old method of disturbing the healthy top soil is throwing out the healthiest layer of soil.

  6. Thank you for your help in starting out the right way to get your garden growing right, can you please continue to make video's on how to maintain a healthy soil during the growing season. and what to do after you harvest your garden?

  7. I'm absolutely as new to gardening as a person could get. I'm just starting to plan out a plot in my yard, and wanted to do an initial till before adding topsoil. In the video it was mentioned about doing an initial till, then never tilling again. I only intend on doing am initial till as it is, but my question is why would someone want to till again? What would the point of that be, how many times, and when?

    Also, he mentioned in the video about something like 'no till practices'. What is wrong with tilling more than once? I'm just curious.

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