30 Types of SEEDS & ROOTS to Plant in APRIL Zone 6 B | 2020 Backyard Gardening.
Mycorrhizal list : http://www.rootnaturally.com/PlantListMycorrhizal.pdf
FACEBOOK Page : https://www.facebook.com/iamorganicgardening
Subscribe to My CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/user/iamnjorganic
Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAXrKFjs77o .
How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVaFsORKhl8 .
1:40 What does "*" mean on the list?
Thanks Mark.
Thanks for bringing such informative content once again!
I found potatoes at Tractor Supply they are seasonal and do go fast
I’m from NJ as well and this is my first year gardening, your channel has been a tremendous help. I’m in Sussex County, how about you?
Yay! Exactly what I need. I’m zone 6B too so I’ve got a lot to learn. You are inspiring. Hugs
Thanks for the Info
Thanks Mark for this well timed video . The list is a great resource. Once again you're top of what us Northeasterners need to know.
Thank you for being a light. Love the station
The tulips are absolutely beautiful Mark. I am ready to plant my raised beds! Looking forward to your videos ! Rockford michigan
You're an inspiration for all gardeners. Thank you.
thanks Mark. very nice encouraging video. hello from switzerland :)))
Thank you for your encouragement!
I loved the list!!! I hope you can continue to make lists for us to follow throughout the year! You will be blessed with all the positive things you plan to do with your harvest!!! Many blessings to you!
New subbed. I am extremely grateful for your channel. Zone 6 here
It was such a mild winter, my spinach survived and already producing salad greens
Gorgeous tulips, great information, stay safe, be well and thank you for sharing.
Nice video. I’m always waiting for the next one to get posted. Love to hear your knowledge in action! I especially enjoyed your previous video series. I’d love to see more of them this season!
Nice video,God Bless You
I'm in 6b, too, so your list was very helpful to me. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed about starting the garden on our new property, so your list was also especially helpful in decreasing anxiety over not getting things started in time.
Your quick and easy cardboard box raised bed idea from a previous video was very helpful as well. I learn so much practical information from you. Thank you so very much.
Just posted a long comment on your purple dead nettle video…now I am reminded of what Almanzo's dad said (Little House on the prairie series..Farmer boy).." Farmers made this nation". Well, they continue to make this nation. Can't thank you enough…for the wisdom and inspiration.
How did you get the large dense area of hen bit and dead nettle?
please consider writing a book detailing your farming and gardening practices.
Thank you . God bless
Your calmness, creativity and kindness is what the world needs right now ! Thank you for being here, I just found your channel!
Use neem oil for the tulips
Where is the best place to get seeds.. I need a bunch of different kinds. I want to do it all.. if It doesn't work it doesn't.. but if you don't try you will never no. Thanks