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31일간의 과정영상입니다.
별거 없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요
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+촬영/편집 :
Korean Gardener 초록식물TV
#열매마 #하늘마 #우주마
+ Creative Commons
Wow could have done this cause i planted potatoes but they are doing great
Alguien k able español
Gostei muito do seu vídeo, adoro ver seus vídeos, vou fazer, um abraço do Rio de Janeiro. Brasil..
저도 한번 도전해봐야겠네요!
And why are we planting air potatoes? First of all I wouldn't waste good soil on them. Secondly I would just lay them on top of the soil. All right next to each other. Maybe make a part 2 to this video and share your knowledge. We do value your knowledge.
Hello Mr. ….. what is plant air potatoes
I have some strawberries turns out they are hard to grow but they are doing great so happy thanks for giving me my gardening spirit
You are the best in Youtube
ㅋㅋㅋ와 무슨 냥냥랜드 수준으로 냥이들이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오리 어케됐어여?
I wonder if this process will work for any potato specie …. Russets, Yellow, Red (those typically found in the USA)? Love the bird intermission and the post-credit scenes =)
우주괴물같이 생겼네요 ㅋㅋ
신기해요 저같았으면 거꾸로 심었을듯 한데요? ㅋㅋ 정보 감사합니다
Thanks for introducing me to this new crop! I’ve never heard of air potatoes my entire life until now! It’s so cool!!!
There is a easy homemade fertilizer, and all you need is Ashes( gathered from charcoal), Banana peels and egg shells, you use it ONCE A WEEK do not exceed that if you don't want to kill your plant.
You will need 4 egg shells, Which should be left to dry not by the sun, but in the shade for 1 day.
3 banana peels that can be left to dry by sun light for 2 days( the time needed for the peels to turn black)
60g of ashes gathered from charcoal.
Mix them up and then dissolve A small amount of the fertilizer, practically one of your hands full of this material, with 1.5 liters of water, mix it, and let it rest for 1 day, then Then filter the liquid, so that it does not clog your sprinkler, and yes it is also an leaf fertilizer, I already got great results that made my plant bloom in just 1 month. It works for every fruiting plant, I do not recommend it for flowers since the amount of nutrients in the mixture may be too much for them, making them die.
I already used in Coffee, 2 varieties of Raspberries, Lychee, Strawberry, and an Brazilian variety of Blueberry (yup im from Brazil). And all of them had great results.
About the variety of Blueberry, of Wich we call as Grumixama,it was a plant that I ordered online, and then, when I recieved it in my house, All leaves were dry, and in 40 days, after using the fertilizer once a week, it finally started to grow new leaves and branches.
Welp hope I helped you! Beside I will send this same message in other videos… :v and remember I recommend you to use it ONCE A WEEK in order to not kill your plant
I love your videos, i want a my life in the future be like this
Very nice video
Hi from france, just want to thank you
Is this channel used to be called "Black" ?
예전에 달팽이를 키울때 주려고 샀던 칼슘가루가 있는데 남아서 버리기는 아깝고… 그 가루를 식물들에게 주는것이 효과가 있을까요??
Ohhh…should i now plant my potato that now looks like an alien?
전 캘리포니아 실리콘밸리에서 거주하는 사람인데요 위에 영상에 나노은 열매마
인터넷으로 찾아봐도. 주문이 불가능하네요 혹시라도 주문할수있ㅇ지 아시은분?
Does it make a difference if you put the sprouting potato upward or downward?