March 28, 2025

VIDEO: A Garden in Your Palm | PICO

PICO: A garden in your palm. Growing is fun again!
Grow thriving plants everywhere—with telescopic LED grow lights, multiple mounts, and a self-watering system. Anyone can do it!
Pico is your little nature-loving companion, ready to take care of your precious plants.

Whether you have always dreamed of having fresh basil in your kitchen or wanted to grow jasmine at your desk — Pico is there to do all the hard work for you.

Get plant parenting right with Pico, and ensure your plants are always happy. Whether you’ve never grown something before, or have a houseful of plants, Pico will help you get everything right.


24 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Garden in Your Palm | PICO

  1. Nice little product… It's too bad about the "slacktivist" marketing angle, though. I figured that it might come off as hypocritical to a lot of people, and judging by the comments, that seems to be the case.

    There are some real advantages to using grow lights that should have been the focus here. 24 hour growing periods, increased yield, a greater degree of control over certain variables (temperature, certain pests, etc.), and so on. The advertisement should have focused on these positive aspects, rather than trying to pass this self-watering grow light system as "natural."

  2. Thanks for the video
    Can you explain me
    1) What is the english term for sand used in contruction?
    2) What is the english term for sand available in nurseries for growing plants?
    3) What is fine sand you use in your soil mixture?
    I'd be very grateful if you could clear my confusion man. Thankyou 🙂

  3. I still prefer a traditional good soil in a small pots beside my windows (or in my small balcony), with some morning sunlight. And a little watering once in 2 or 3 days.

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