Growing Strawberries Is EASY! The final video in the series on how to grow your own Strawberries from seed/runner/crown to full planted bed or container. With spring finally in the air and Strawberry plants exploding with foliage outside, now is the time to get those Strawberry starters into the ground and into the areas where they are going to produce for you all summer.
Use these steps to get your Strawberry plants set up right, and giving you maximum yields for the next 3-5 years. This 3rd video in the 3-part series really finishes off the Strawberry Plant Care and is all you need to be just as successful at growing Strawberries in your own backyard!
Strawberry Plant Care Series:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: You are here!
My other Strawberry videos:
Strawberries For Beginners:
Strawberry Runners:
Strawberries From Seeds:
Winterizing Your Strawberry Plants:
Ultimate DIY Potting Mix:
If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Strawberries up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:
Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:
The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener’s NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!
Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:
If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Strawberries up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:
Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:
The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener's NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!
Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:
Awesome tips. Thanks
Strawberry plants are expensive if you are starting out, they produce runners each season which allows you to pin down and root a new plant for next season essentially a free plant. I have never grown strawberries from seed and you have aspired me to extract free seeds and kick start a new bed for this purpose. Many thanks fir the video series.
The one thing ive never seen ya mention is that these usually only work on american produce if ya live in america as most produce from other countries is irradiated. Some irradiated plants will germ and grow but will not fruit.
Great video, and can you maby do a video of how to polinate strawberrys at home, for when you dont have bees all the time and, you can do it youre self
What happens if i plant a whole strawberry ?
Now that the plants are in the ground – what type of fertilizer should be used to keep the strawberries coming all summer
Hello, do you have any ideas on where I can find straw or pine needle mulch ? It's been one of the hardest things to find for my strawberry plants
Is there a certain strawberry that is better than another ? I know there are different varieties, but not sure which is better flavor or produces more in a season.
Thanks for videos, very helpful
Running out of space in your garden? Grow Strawberries like you wouldn't believe on your deck or patio!:
I translated my new strawberry morning 3 hours back ..but my plant leaves r bent down like dead
I've really enjoyed this series of yours. Thank you for sharing!
Is pine straw okay to use?
You forgot to add the link to part 3 in the part 2 video.
What about using “worm castings “…