You can be growing some great crops from seed right in the ground in April. They love the cold weather and will do very well for you!
We thought it would be fun to unite the gardening world to help those on the front lines of the virus obtain the funds necessary to purchase PPE and other equipment. We are just 170 away from our goal! 50% of each sale goes directly to hospitals. Check out our new clothing line!
The government don't want u to grow cause they want u dependent on them. How dare u grow your own food during this pandemic that kills no one. How can u even eat watching no one die.
rebellious son of a beet.
I am with you. Especially this year with all that is going on!
For the first time I planted a garden March 5 in Virginia. Harvestime is here already. Cabbage broccoli and lots of lettuce and spinach and radishes. No bugs either and beautiful collard heads.
My tomato’s are 18” high and my neighbors started planting today May 6.
Make sure to plant your seeds at least 6 feet apart for social plant distancing! LOL
France declared its plantes nursery essential.
Because French people eat vegetables.
Awesome show
I love this video
Loved the video! Just subscribed!
Our big box store moved the seed displays into the food aisles, to give shoppers access.
You were the only place I could get seeds from last year. And, the reason I got to have a garden. I gave plants to 3 different people who had never gardened before. And, they have gardens this year too. Thanks for helping me spread the gardening love.
We had the same issue here in Ontario. Luckily, it was resolved shortly after and we were able to move forward with our Spring and summer planting. Hope everyone else was able to start their gardens without any issues!
if your growing your own food and saving up your shopping bill, thats good for your mental health, because U R BEING INDEPENDANT!! and i can say why with more detail but ill leave it a secret.
Luke you are legit. Screw the woke Karens and Jerrys
Thank you for speaking up for gardening being essential.
Does anybody else find it weird that at a time when so many in the government are pushing for going green that they try to prevent gardeners from being self sustaining or at least partially so? I found it astounding that governor Whitmer wouldn't even let people buy seeds and other garden supplies and tried to dictate what people could do in their own backyard.