January 10, 2025

VIDEO: Planted Too Soon? | Protecting the Garden from FROST

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planted Too Soon? | Protecting the Garden from FROST

  1. One of the benefits of starting from seed is that you can start more than you think you need, and put a few out early in hopes of them getting a headstart. If they get zapped by the cold, no big deal you still have more seedlings to put out. If you get lucky and the early ones don't get hammered by cold, they're a bonus.

  2. We planted few things some direct sown and some starters. We have had some colder nights but not freezing in South TX. But this is our first year and we really didn't want to plant too early. What we did plant is not seeming to take off at all. We direct sowed beets and transplanted tomatoes, radishes, squash, carrots. They were doing great and I thinned them out a bit. Now the radishes have leaf damage and are wilting. One squash was dead at the stem(ants of some sort) carrots and beets have kinda shrunk down to nothing. What do I do?

  3. Here in NY i only have cold weather plants in right now and i just looked them all up to see if i was good. since we are going to have a few freezing nights this week and I'm good lol but i might put some burlap one my garden just in case

  4. Yes, wash plants early in the morning before sun begins to shine on them. Not just watering but wash the frost off the leaves with gentle spray. Landscaped first years and this is true. Sometimes the leaves will have burned sots but better than loosing the whole plant and they do recover. Of course like you mentioned prevention is better.

  5. I'm the guy that gambled. I tried my luck I had started zucchini and other stuff from seed. I puushed my luck and planted zucchini and squash and here comes the freezes. I covered everything the leaves are turning black but the center is still green do you think they will survive??

  6. I so far have watched three of your videos and they are so informative! We are doing a full garden for the first time this year since we bought about 1/2 acre last year. We do know the previous home owners have had a garden in the exact spot and we have watched a lot of videos and read a lot about it, but I find your videos to be the most informative and raw/ relating to real life situations. I don't usually comment on youtube but I felt the need to thank you for sharing your farm and your experiences with us!

  7. I've lost track of the number of times I have had to rush out in the early morning hours to water my garden after a frost to save the plants. It really does work and the only plants I have lot to a frost are those I failed to water in time. Where I live, our last frost date is around June 15, so we are used to late frosts but some years they surprise us. A few years back we dipped below freezing in the middle of July. Even so, I tend to take chances and plant a bit early because our growing season is so short I have little choice but to do that if I want the plants to reach maturity and start producing before the cold and frost returns mid-September.

  8. Wish I had seen this video sooner xD i started some things too early and this is my dilema. all the black eyed peas i started are dead. apparently i shoulda waited til much warmer weather. i guess mistakes are how you learn. i've never tried to grow veggies before so i'm a n00b lol

  9. Greetings from Chicago! Just got snow twice in the past week! Some plants are doing ok, the greens, mint and parsley, even the sweet peas look okay-ish. Got my backups tucked safe inside though, and my cold sensitive stuff like tomatoes.

  10. I like using a combination of straw mulch and a cardboard box (sized to not crowd the plant, if possible) to cover tomato plants. Use a rock or brick to keep the box in place. I also leave bricks in the sun for each plant and snuggle the warm brick under the box ( if enough room, without squishing the plant) in the late afternoon before the frost.

  11. Great advice! Thank you. I live in Michigan. Our last average frost date is the middle of May but I never plant my tomatoes, peppers etc until Memorial weekend. One year I planted a week before and we had a frost so I lost my plants. I am not a gambler lol!

  12. Watering plants that have been exposed to frost before the sun touches them so they won't die…I believe that's in Farmer Boy.

  13. Watching this video and slightly panicking about container plants. We just got told there was a chance of snow this coming Friday in our forecast. It was short weather 2 days ago.

  14. Everything is planted. And 3 weeks after the last frost date we're now going to have under 40 degrees for several nights in a row. 35 is the lowest forecasted. Should I still cover these sensitive plants?

  15. I started radishes, lettuces, brassicas and an herb garden. In zone 5 we are getting snow and a few days of freezing. Everything is just sprouting, except for the herbs. I’ve got thyme, oregano, lavender, rosemary. …? I covered everything in straw. And put all my potted plants in my plastic greenhouse. Now we wait I guess.

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