Day in the life | HOMESTEADING VLOG
Come with us throughout our day with our chickens and transplanting our seedlings into solo cups!
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Music by Dylan Rockoff – Awake or Asleep –
Seed transplanting party! Fun stuff y’all
Keep up the great work!
Nothing like a days work on the homestead! Your seedlings look great!
Nice Video1 Nothing like homegrown…
My Annabelle is a celebrity! I should have groomed her! Lol!
I had a great laugh when I saw you use the shotgun to make holes in the cup. Both of you are very resourceful. I hope that you will have a wonderful harvest. If you ferment the chicken feed too long, will your chickens get drunk or tipsy? Take care.
We love the way you start the plants and it was funny watching the holes getting put into the SOLO cups LOL
We came over from Small YouTube Homesteaders and we really enjoyed this video and we are looking forward to seeing more of your videos. We have subscribed to your channel, hit the thumbs up, and rang that bell.
We live outside of Leitchfield, KY were we own about 73 acres. We have cows, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, and Great Pyrenees guarding dogs to keep everyone very safe.
If you have any time and if you get a chance we would like for you to check out our channel and hopefully you will like our channel too. I hope that you will enjoy some of the things that we put on YouTube and if you do please let others know about the two crazy people that you know on YouTube. We also would like for you to subscribe to our channel, hit the thumbs up button, and rang that bell. Yes I do know that was a shameless plug LOL
Anyways… Until next time may God bless your days as He always does ours!
You are my biggest inspiration. I almost feel like you are what I want my future me to be, if that makes sense. I am graduating with an art education degree to teach secondary. My fiancé and I want to buy a plot of land and live a more secluded, simple life. It seems so hard to picture even starting a life like that, financially speaking. Any tips getting started? Should we try to pay off some land while renting a place and trying to pay off student debt? Or just focus on paying off debt? It all seems so daunting. Any advice would be so much appreciated
Red cups! Good idea!
Love seeing videos on a persons day on the homestead! Cute horse, we lost our guy about a year ago.. hoping to get another one down the road
Subscribed! We did the same thing, building our house while living in an RV while we built! Great video you guys! HAHAHA shooting holes in the cups. I just drilled a stack using a drill. (still laughing, so funny)
I am new to your channel. I look forward to watching your videos.
Wow this is a great vlog. I am a full time RVer with dreams to homestead one day. Thank you for sharing a day with us. Blessings. Sherry
You do a lot of work. Good for you.