March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Observe and Interact | Ultimate Gardening Skills Series

This video is about a skill that holds huge potential to ensure long-term food abundance of your garden. It is a skill that is very separate from your usual planting techniques because it involves the bigger picture and taking a very different approach. One benefit is that is is very easy and only needs around 5 minutes for one ‘session’ – which can be done on your tea break in the garden! I have found huge benefits from this and I believe you can too.

Introduction 0:00
The context of the skill 0:56
How to practice 2:48
First example 5:16
What I love about the skill 7:09
Online course info 9:10
Second example 10:22

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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

#permaculture #selfsufficiency #vegetablegardening

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Observe and Interact | Ultimate Gardening Skills Series

  1. Totally with you on this so thanks for making. I have a much smaller space BUT you are right that a lot goes on and some parts of that space can be improved to benefit the whole space. Going to do my 5 minutes now on my front garden. I hate it so i am sure some iOS ideas will come.

  2. Thanks for the advice to sit and quietly observe your garden.

    Adults (and kids ) need a lot more contemplative, quiet times to think and observe the world around themselves. People are ruled by their electronics now. Their brains are constantly flooded with noise and images. I think it's one reason so many people are stressed out and unhappy.

    In Japan and China there are Alcoholics Anonymous type of meetings for people who are addicted to their computers and phones.

    I read about a Japanese man who had mold grow on his cheek because he always had his phone pressed against his head.

    If you get agitated, panicked and angry when you don't have access to your phone or computer you're addicted and need help.

  3. This reminds me of the yearly counts they do where people note down how many pollinators they see in a 5-20 minute period in one area of their garden 🙂 Observation is a wonderful tool for many different things but especially in the garden and isn't just useful but also is a perfect time to have a bit of quiet and mindfulness 🙂

  4. Thanks for the observation video. With covid 19 I’ve decided to grow a massive food garden. I have started about 800 seedlings and have planted 3 gardens that are sprouting. I have 33 separate gardens so have to get planning and acting. Cmcacshack green gardens

  5. Anecdotally, my office space (IT guy) has a window that sits directly facing my little garden. I often find myself looking out of the window and admiring/coming up with ideas for the garden. It's a perfect view!

  6. Gosh, I've been doing this for weeks in planning my garden from inside my home. Observing, then something clicks on what I need to do next.

  7. I find that sitting and looking allows me not only to create a wish list but to notice problems and do some problem solving (always reminding myself about the KISS principle : “keep it simple Stupid”!). Time well spent.

  8. I watched this when it got posted and it's popped up again reminding me just how important it is to stop and take it all in every once in a while (or more) My veggie patch is on the front lawn, we started it pre-pandemic but having more time this past year it's had more attention than it otherwise would have had. At times it has got a bit overwhelming, and being a novice I've had a few disappointments along the way. But just to sit, observe and reflect is soothing. Almost like a mini meditation on and in your garden. Thanks for reminding me to take a step back, like an artist at the easel we all need that bit of perspective.

  9. hi huw. i am glad to find out that my super skill is observation. i find great joy literally sitting and staring or contemplating in the garden for hours or even days. no longer master procrastinator!

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