Today I want to show you how to easily build a raised bed using FREE recycled pallets so you can be eating fresh veggies without breaking the bank.
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I went today and to get some pallets and scored 5 pallets, Then when I started cutting on them I noticed that cedar smell! Score!! I was sctrahing my head how heavy each one of these was. Now I know why lol I am going to make smaller annual flower beds with this method except I am going to do 4 boards x 3 boards. I think I will have enought to do 7 beds with these 5 pallets.
Why no pressure treated wood? I’ve heard you say it a couple times.
You work like I do on fast forward with your brain three steps ahead. I haven't seen anyone else like that. Great project I can't wait to do mine
I know some pallets are chemical treated with toxic chemicals. Is they a way to know the right and wrong pallets to use
Great garden bed and great video, I typed it out to make it easier for myself. Hopefully this helps someone else:
First you will need enough pallets to make a 4 x 8 foot bed. That would be enough to make around 56 boards to cut to 16 inches.
You need a circular saw to cut them evenly and efficiently. When cutting the pallets, leave the boards on each end to use as bracing later
Use a measuring tape, drop saw, and square to cut the boards square. Once you make one side square bump it up against something flat to make the other side square to make them 16 inches.
Once you have the 56, 16 inch boards (or whichever length works). Cut the end boards off the pallet in half longways so you can use them to brace the borders you'll be making.
A straight edge and some clamps on a couple of cement block raised 2×4's is what he used to align the boards to make the walls evenly. Put the wider boards at the end.
You will now need a power driver to predrill holes in the braces and to drive the wood screws. Place the bracing on the back, predrill, and reinforce with 10 or more screws. Make six sections.
Take two sections cut them exactly to four feet and combined them together with another bracing piece to create a 8ft wall. Do this twice.
Take some lint seed oil and brush every side of each section liberally to protect the wood.
Figure out where you want to put and be sure to clear it out and make it level before you start assembling.
He uses corner clamps to hold the corners of the sections together so that he can attach a small block of wood behind the corners to hold them together. To do this he pre-drills and then puts a couple of screws to hold them in. Repeat for all corners.
Get two 8ft 2×4's, linseed oil them, pre-drill and attach them to the top of the borders for railing. Be sure to put screws where needed to make it flush with the wall. Take the last 2×4 board and cut it to length and attach to the last two edges.
Once you're done fill it with organic material.
Exactly what you will need to do it like the video:
3 or 4 pallets
Circular saw
Drop saw
Measuring tape
Straight edge
Two clamps
Power drill
Linseed oil
Corner clamps
four small wood blocks
Three 8ft long 2x4s
Did I get everything?
DANGER! IMPORTANT WARNING!!! USA pallets are treated with EXTREMELY poisonous chemicals! It has caused shipping container inspectors around the world to DROP DEAD! The chemicals are outlawed everywhere but the U.S., which was supposed to discontinue use in 2017 but the Tweeter-in-Chief decided to keep using said chemicals. NEVER use American pallets for use inside the home, or as animal shelter, and CERTAINLY not for growing or even storing food!!!!
Thank you for the clear instructions. I feel that even I …might be able to make this. You are awesome
Thank you
How many did you use total?
14:24 Chicken giving that nice mix into the compost… LOL
Is there ANYTHING a chicken doesn't eat?
I like the idea but how long will these last? My wife thinks they will only last a few years. I think longer.
It's the perfect solution for extending my raised garden bed's growing season! Thank you for an inspiring & simple project!
what size screws do you use
Well I got 5 new nice pallets yesterday, only they had 2 boards going down the middle and it made it very hard to get the boards out of the nails……….so that something to look for next time.
Apply the oil on the four small pieces connecting the four boards too. I'd apply the oil before screwing them together.
Uncle Mark tip of the day: Eyes and ear protection?? Gloves?
Great job!!!! i ready like the idea of a raised plant bed. i will add this to my spring project list
I love it….with the price of lumber these days..ingenious
Honestly I wish had access to a bit of land where I could do something like this and just live off what I grow
13:43 I love how your neighbor disregarded your chain link fences and installed their own fancy vinyl fence lol! People can be cruel sometimes but the way I see it, they did you a favor Ha – Great Job on the garden, you should visit us here in PA and check out our small garden and flower beds. Cheers neighbor!
Why not cut it before applying the linseed oil?
Im from Phil.Thank you bro for nice demo.helps a lot in my garden
What advice do you have for protecting plants in the raised garden from squirrels, skunks and raccoons?
Looks nice! Just a thought though…lots of people watching these videos, many of which probably don't have much experience with power tools. You should give a shout out to safety glasses and, of course, wear a pair yourself! It's the bare minimum safety consideration and it's guaranteed to pay off eventually. Make it such a habit that you feel naked pulling that trigger without your clears on! Cheers!
Awesome! Do we need to worry about the pallets being “food safe”.