March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Bee Delivery Today | New Problem | Beekeeping 101

Bee Delivery Today | New Problem | Beekeeping 101
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bee Delivery Today | New Problem | Beekeeping 101

  1. No idea about the bee's themselves per se. But could you make some kind of windbreak around your hive. Leaving aside the weakened state they will have to be out in future storms.

    Hope it all goes well though! 🙂

  2. Depends on what king of frames you have. Drawn comb or naked frames. I would leave them in the pkg over night. They should be fine. The queen should have some attendants in her little cage to help her out. There is a candy plug they will feed her from if you spray the box the bees will get her some water. I get my colonies next week.

  3. Dang, no notifications and you don't show in my subscriptions! For the last few videos. Been thinking about getting bees.

  4. Congrats Mark,
    Did you educate yourself on beekeeping through books, YT, visiting other beekeepers? True about other comments that said a wind break will help. A cheap fast windbreak straw or hay bales. Looking forward to seeing the final placement of the bees. Cheers,
    PS how's your Marine? Hope he is safe.

  5. Very cool. I would love to get some honey bees but we have a hive nearby of Africanized bees that took out a neighbors honey bee hive and I want to find and get rid of the pest nest before making the investment and taking the plunge. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Congratulations. My package was sent via USPS last year. The post office called me at 6 AM to come pick up the package of bees. I was nervous driving home. I drove slowly since I could hear the bees buzzing in the back of the car whenever I hit a bump in the road.

  7. Interesting; Looks like fun. We sell our Maple Syrup out of our sugar house and at the farmers market and so many folks ask about honey. Maybe I will do bees some day when I get older. I am only 67 now.

  8. Fantastic Mark can't wait to see them buzzing around happily making honey and pollinating your fruit flowers.
    I learnt from a vegetable gardener, she leaves the flowers on her Kale for the bees sure enough when I went pass the flowering kale this morning there were lots of bees buzzing around. Delighted for you thanks for the video.

  9. Check out this study done by Paul Stamets

    I got a summer job (as a student) at a native seed production farm called Ernst Seed. It’s the largest native seed producer east of the Mississippi. I was lucky enough to get paid to sit in on a presentation by Dr. Harland Patch from Penn State’s pollinator research organization. He’s got knowledge of pollinators that you couldn’t find anything close to online or in any of the other major ag schools worldwide. I actually emailed him and asked him if the findings of Stamets’ study were legitimate and he said they were and it’s something that could actually help to save bees from destruction. I’m going to get bees and try to grow some fungi for them.

    I’m planning on getting access to this presentation as it was mind blowing. If I can, I’ll try to see if I can send it to you or link you to it. Bees are awesome!

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