March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Strawberries In Pots Or Containers!

Growing Strawberries In Containers Is Easy! Strawberries are made to grow in pots and containers on your patio or deck. Being shallow-rooted and quite undemanding, these fruiting favorites are an essential summertime snack that don’t need a ton of space to grow!

Strawberry plants need about 4″ of space between them to grow properly and optimally, so most large nursery pots can easily house multiple Strawberry crowns, ensuring you a bountiful summer harvest.

Use the tips and strategies in this video to provide you and your family the best-tasting organic fruit that money can’t buy!

Strawberry Plant Care Series:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

My other Strawberry videos:

Strawberries For Beginners:
Strawberry Runners:
Strawberries From Seeds:
Winterizing Your Strawberry Plants:
Link to the Ultimate DIY Potting Mix:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Strawberries up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener’s NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Strawberries In Pots Or Containers!

  1. The company I purchased my bare root strawberry plants from insisted that they be planted in 30% sand mixed thoroughly with the soil. They repeatedly talked about the sand and its importance. Why was that???

  2. Literally paused the video went to tractor supply got a bag of potting soil – I have bare roots that have come to life with 4 inch greenery just ready to be planted I just didn’t know what to do for soil —THANKS

  3. Hi, I followed your video a while back and grew two pots of strawberries! I didn’t get many and they were quite small, but I’ve seen in the comments that it can take a couple seasons to establish the plant. I can see that I only have a few more strawberries waiting to ripen, my question is what do I do after that? Do I move the pot into a greenhouse as is and wait until next spring to bring it out again? Sorry I am completely new to this, thanks! great video

  4. My wife's plant is making runners like crazy out of a pot from the store. Probably has 30 runner plants hanging, and very few fruits. She does't remember the variety. She is ready to cut the runners and make new plants. Do some plant varieties just get to aggressive for a pot?

  5. I am planning on growing strawberries this year. Well I might have to wait till next year for fruit to grow but at least I will have it started. I am in the process of finding a planting plot for them. I am deciding on what kind of bed I want to use Either classic flat bed, mounds, or even might try pots cause one no weeds, easy to move them if I have to, also I could make a anti bird cage to cover the strawberries so the birds wont get to them but I can easily lift the cage for harvesting. We also have blueberries bushes that have been producing for a few years now so having fresh blueberries with strawberries would be a dream. For me if I had the choice between candy and fresh ripe fruit I would pick fruit 100%. Anyways thank you for the video vary informative.

  6. I dont know what I did wrong. All 3 pots have lots of healthy looking leaves but only one gave me some fruit and not much. I am watching this after I planted mine a couple months ago so I didn't do it like this. Basically used a good organic mix and smart pots.

  7. I’ve got a plant already somewhat grown at big bear & brought it here to Bakersfield. The leaves look dried , not sure if it’s cause my dog sat on the vines & bent them some type of way or I’m just not watering it enough or the heat. It did bloom one flower bud today but she does seem happier inside than the outside heat

  8. We planted 12 Toscana strawberries this year in a raised bed on our deck and is still producing in August. They are an ever bearing variety and also gave us 36 new plants so far.

  9. I just got Fort Laramie Everbearing Strawberry bare root plants about 20 of them. I washed them prepped them etc.. and planted them in different ways and use berry fertilizer while others i used fish emulsion kind of like a science experiment lol. I’m worried they won’t grow because I live in south Florida which is a tropical zone like zone 10a. I just planted them now in August in a tier potting system I have. Do you recommend I use a shade cover while they are under the sun and how often should I water. Lately, it’s been around 85-90f degrees.

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