March 23, 2025

VIDEO: FREE | EASY | 7 TIPS | Pt 2 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden

FREE | EASY | 7 TIPS | Pt 2 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden Non Toxic
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: FREE | EASY | 7 TIPS | Pt 2 How to Build a Raised Bed Garden

  1. Awesome! I'm growing potatoes in a box this year! I did a video on it…it's time for an update video cuz they are doing Awesome so far! I'm doing the 4sq ft just like the traditional towers, so I'm hoping to get the same 100 lb yield like the directions for those say. So far the box is holding, folding the sides like you did helps, and I might use a few stakes and some twine as the box softens with more dirt as they grow. When doing creative container gardening, boxes are just brilliant!

  2. Hello, I planted 3 boxes of potatoes after your video about it. The potato plants have popped up and are looking good. I forgot to put the pea seeds in. I’ll do that tomorrow. I’m pretty excited about this.

  3. Woo-hoo Mark. I've been telling people for years to use cardboard. I get 'huge' cardboard boxes from a local mail/print shop. You could fit a small car in some of these boxes. Plus they're heavy and last for years as a weed barrier. Worms love them!

  4. I use only American made cardboard boxes because I'm afraid of the possible toxins in foreign cardboard production. I shred it in our micro shredder to add to our compost bins or sheet mulch but after this video I will try one as a raised bed. Thank you for sharing.

  5. We have 8.5 acres. Poor soil, little top soil, clay and sand. Please send me to a video that works best for getting the soil better. We will be taking a section – 1/3 acre, for our home garden. Thanks for your excellent channel.

  6. Cardboard is great for weed suppression, composting, and apparently raised beds. I would not be concerned about using it. I had no idea some people were concerned about this

  7. Thanks for putting this out there. I'm growing a couple jalapeño in a plastic milk crate that I lined with cardboard. I left a little a whole in the bottom to make sure I get good drainage and I can move my box around my container garden as I see fit

  8. I am worried about using cardboard, wood chips and leaves in my garden since it attracts termites. I am not sure what I am going to do without a surface carbon source.

  9. I made the box bed for potatoes as you showed. How long before the potatoes will germinate?I should say how long before they show leaves?

  10. I just found your channel and I am loving all the great information…I’m new to gardening and learning so much from you! Thank you so very much!!!

  11. Hello. I would like to use the chip drop service and free leaves, but how would I know those have not been treated with chemicals/pesticides? What is the source of leaves that you get for your farm such that it's chemical/pesticides free (i.e trees are sprayed for pests and diseases)! Thanks!

  12. i tried cardboard gardening because i didnt want to build a permanent raised bed until i found out how much sun i would get in a new area. They worked like a charm. I grew spaghetti squash and green beans in them and now after the winter some are still in good shape and some have to be replaced. Gonna do that again for sure

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