March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow UNLIMITED Amounts of Raspberry Plants for FREE!

Raspberry plants are a treat. They produce tons of fruit and mature quickly making them great for any garden. In this video I will show you a trick to grow unlimited amounts of free raspberry plants. Check out our new clothing line!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow UNLIMITED Amounts of Raspberry Plants for FREE!

  1. That is great to know! I have a question. How would you go about doing elderberries? I also have an issue with poison ivy. Last year I hardly had any. Now it is coming back like a gang buster. How would you go about it?

  2. Is there a recommended time of year to harvest and plant the runners? We were given some runners and new potted plants this week (last week of June) and I wasn't sure if now is a good time to plant them, or if we should transfer them to pots and plant in the fall when it gets cooler, as some of my research suggests. We are in zone 5.

  3. I recently went to pick up some raspberries- a business down the road that I was good friends with was selling them cheap before they pulled them out.. tried telling my mother in law that we didn’t need many as they multiplied. I said 60 max between myself, her and my mother… the lady said to take as many as we wanted for free.. got to 100 and I said no more that heaps!! Turned around to thank the lady and have a chat and when I turned back she had bagged up more.. now I have like 200-250 plants that I’m struggling to plant before it’s too late..

  4. My Brandywine raspberry is great, but it definitely stays put. I want to propagate it, but have not succeeded even by pinning down canes and putting dirt on those points. I am going to have to try cuttings.

  5. I got 4 different varieties of these things in large pots. The amount of Raspberries i get is amazing. … My plants are about 3 years old, im in zone 4, so around the end of may and begging of june, these things get so bushy and tall that they actually provide shade to me when im sitting outside in the lawnchair. mines get about 4 to 5 feet tall in the containers and i eat raspberries everyday for about 3 months…….

  6. I put the tips of the wild black raspberries in a pot of soil. Once it roots and starts a new plant, i snip the mother cane and it becomes a stable plant. No digging but you have to look at a bunch of pots sitting around the mother plant for a while.

  7. Say if I want to sell these small raspberry plants. Can I stored them indoors during the winter like in a basement or closet? Or will they die?

  8. When is the best time to transplant the babies?? I’ve discovered a ton of raspberries growing around my garage and I want to take better care of them so they thrive!

  9. Great video! When you zoomed in, I saw that your plant was not as thorny as the one I have found. I am looking for different varieties that aren't as thorny, can you recommend any? I am in Northern GA, I think my zone is 7a or b.

  10. I am a Zone 8 gardner. I have raspberry plants that sprawl (Not upright canes) with several off shoots outside the "designated growing area". When is the best time to dig up these off shoots to either directly sow into a new area or temp. pot ?

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