March 27, 2025

VIDEO: BIG NEWS ABOUT OUR LAND!!! | Homesteading Vlog

Thank you for watching our channel and following along with our homesteading journey! Be sure to subscribe before you go!

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Music by Dylan Rockoff – Awake or Asleep –
Music by Dylan Rockoff – Coming Home –

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: BIG NEWS ABOUT OUR LAND!!! | Homesteading Vlog

  1. We have a little wood chipper…it is pretty worthless and the big ones are quite expensive. The loggers might have one and they are probably quite efficient at using it. It might be worth it to have them go ahead and chip the wood. Wood chips are super useful to have!

  2. Thanks for the update! You guys are a lot like us – we are in the process of closing on 6 wooded acres we want to build a homestead on. Currently raising chicks and gardening as well. Would be awesome to connect and follow each other’s journeys!

  3. Great garden! And that’s a lot of wood I say get it cheaper but we wouldn’t know about that we don’t have that much wood on our farm! How long of you lived there? We just found you and sent you and would love it if you would check out our channel as well

  4. Hi guys, just found you and am interested in watching your journey. I’m in Australia and also looking to move to more land. Well done on your progress so far. My parents bought a disused pine plantation here years ago and Dad cleared it all by hand. Good luck with it all xx Cathi xx

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