March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Grow Pea Shoots as Microgreens: Dun and Speckled Pea Varieties in Coconut Coir

Pea shoots have an earthy woody taste when you eat them fresh….and a more delicate taste when they are stir fried. They are easy to grow in soil or coconut coir, in this video I am planting them in coconut coir. They are ready to eat in 14 days. Simple and delicious!
Amazon links to items used in the video:
Coco Coir:
Grow Big Hydroponic Solution:
One-Hand Water Sprayer:
Mini Food Processor:

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grow Pea Shoots as Microgreens: Dun and Speckled Pea Varieties in Coconut Coir

  1. Great video. Why only spray with nutrients the first day? I am enjoying the channel and will do this and post a video. I will use your links above, you should benefit 🙂 Keep up the good work!!

  2. I'm really enjoying your videos. You are very thorough and kinda funny – I saw you eat that shoot so I know, lol. I'm slowly ordering things to grow inside as money allows and will continue to atch your videos. Thanks so much!

  3. I just discovered your channel, what a true YouTube gem!! You have a gift for teaching.
    I'm hooked on your videos now, and can't wait for more! Subscribed!

  4. I really like your scientific approach to growing microgreens. I watched you video and I actually have some food trays that I saved for a rainy day. I will go our and buy some coir (unfortunately not coconut) and try growing some pea shoots in them.

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