March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 2 Easy Methods to Revitalize OLD Potting Soil

Potting soil gets thrown out way too often! Barring a few serious issues (soil-borne pests or disease), you can and should re-use and revitalize potting soil for use in your container gardens. The simplest way is to add back 1/3rd fresh potting soil or compost, but the EPIC way is to tackle it in 4 steps:

1. Clean out any large roots, screen for grubs, etc.
2. Add some fresh compost or potting mix
3. Add slow-release organic fertilizer
4. Add worm castings for microbial life, worm eggs, and more nutrients


Espoma is a 90+ year company focused on high-quality, organic soils and fertilizers for your garden – I use and love their products for my garden:

→ Espoma Organic Potting Mix:
→ Espoma Blood Meal:
→ Espoma Bone Meal:
→ Espoma Chicken Manure:


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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2 Easy Methods to Revitalize OLD Potting Soil

  1. I used to like espoma, but my last order of bags (4 unfortunately) was all wood chips. Now I need to find another potting soil I like.

  2. The trough you used to sift the old soil over and mixed in the amendments, did you make it? Is it a wooden box lined with heavyweight reinforced vinyl? I’m interested in constructing something like that to screen some old soil next growing season.

  3. Loads of potted soil with dead plant life left from last owner of the house. I just emptied it into the soil beds in the greenhouse,took out the heavy roots, watered and I'll put some compost on top when planting the vegetables. I'm not experienced so I'm amazed I've done it properly.

  4. Planted forget me nots in the soil trays,do I it them in garden or wait for seedlings then plant. West of Scotland garden. No teacher ,no experience,no friends, help anyone. Full landscaped garden with tons of strawberry plants I've rescued. Bought new flower pots will they be okay to plant in sunny open area?

  5. Thanks for sharing your experience I don't know how I'd learn without people like you. I had never had a garden but I've made my own compost bin now and I've managed to trim hedges, cut grass but so many plants I'm still trying to figure out how to trim and maintain. Mostly what was left was all hedges,trees,dead strawberry's in trays in the green house , but there were still some green leaves so I trimmed,watered and put outside front door for regular watering.even if no strawberry this year I have loads for next season. I don't know how they flower but I trimmed all runners and took away all dead plant life. the owner died 8 months ago during winter so how does that affect these plants? Many are cut to branches sticking out of pots,rubbish?
    I bought a lavender bush yesterday should I trim all lavender to encourage new growth. Can I harvest the seed? I was going to trim as advised despite losing my lovely flowers ..I'm told I'll get a better harvest of lavender if I do.

  6. Thank you for your videos! I've been inspired! I LOVE that you have a front yard garden. I've wanted to do this for years. I just don't get why we have lawns. I hope to learn much more from you. I'm going to see if I can find some berries to grow in containers and amend the soil for my potted plants.

  7. This was very helpful, as all your videos I've watched. Thank you! I have a question related to reusing soil… reusing pots. I use cloth pots for my containers, similar to those shown in this video. Is there anything I should do at end of the season to prepare them (clean, disinfect, etc) before reusing?

  8. I have a pet bunny and his poops have done wonders for my porch container garden! He's litter box trained so I just take a scoop every so often and top dress my soil or mix it in to a new pot. It's a "cold" manure and also helps build up the organic matter in my soil. Bunny feeds the herbs, herbs feed me and the bunny!

  9. You give some really helpful tips. I would never get rid of those old roots though, as they decompose they make excellent passageways for oxygen and water.

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