March 25, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Container Gardening Options for Apartment Gardeners

Apartment gardening and balcony gardening is challenging – you’re often limited on space and sun. You may think you “can’t grow much” in your small space garden, but with a few creative container gardening ideas you can still squeeze an impressive amount out of small spaces.


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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Container Gardening Options for Apartment Gardeners

  1. Links to all options here, everyone! Some are affiliate:
    → My Book:

    → Basic Planter:

    → Sit on Top Planter:

    → Hanging Basket:

    → Reinforced Grow Bag:

    → Multi-Pocket Grow Bag:

    → Hanging Shoe Rack:

  2. After a small 1m2 veggie patch I had this year for the first time we'll be moving to the 15th floor with an exposed balcony. I'm assuming it'll be quite windy. Any tips for veggies that don't mind the wind too much?

  3. Love all your ideas! I live in an apartment in Brooklyn, NY and That's my one of my hobbies. Especially, growing your culinary herbs to save some money. Wishing you the very best. Dios te bendiga. In English it means God bless you.

  4. Are reusable shopping bags okay for grow bags?

    I like the Dollar Tree fabric tote bag, Kroger's shopping bag, & Marshall's large tote bags.

    I'm enjoying your videos & learning a lot. Thanks.

  5. great site, just found you today… been thinking about a small patio garden for years : " grow your own greens", lol… I think now you have gotten me started, thank you so much !

  6. living with my parents, I started to garden and as someone who is the first in the family to try to grow their own garden for tea (huge tea enthusiast) and cooking, I've decided to try it and see what I can do. I've seen all over the internet about what is good soil and what is a good fertilizer and some others have contradicted that. I've had to sow my herbs from seed and I'm waiting for them to germinate (started them directly in their containers on the 12th of April 2021) and the gardening community has just been so kind and so informative! some think for a young man to get into gardening that they are interested in growing pot but that is quite the opposite. so my starting herbs are lemon balm, spearmint, and cilantro. I'm going to be growing them indoors and I think it would be nice for in my room to have some plant life and the smells of the oils cleaning up my room. my soil choices were limited but I was advised that Miracle-Gro's moisture control potting mix is great for the herbs and so I had to get them. the mint i was recommended from bonnie to use the inorganic miracle-gro all-purpose but I have seen that was more expensive than the miracle-gro performance organic edibles mix and according to the site of miracle-gro, the organic one is specifically for veggies and herbs. what herbs I don't know but I guess I will find out. I think what I'm going to do is when it comes to feeding time, I'm going to put in a half dose of what is recommended and if the plants need more ill go a quarter up since from my research these herbs don't need that much feeding for the most part. I don't want to give them too much so they go all outgrowing in size rather than potency but we'll see how this goes. kinda nervous but also kinda excited at the same time. thank you so much for having the idea of a channel for growing veg and herbs and being honest with all of your tips and advice! it's because of people like you that I can make this dream closer than if I were alone! <3

  7. Thank you for the video. It's very helpful. I want to ask a silly questions about grow bag because I really want to try them. Will the water come out of the grow bag stain the floor? I'm worried because if the water damage or stain the floor, it will be a big problem to me.

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