March 21, 2025

VIDEO: Garden Update May 11, 2020

We had a good working day in the garden! We moved some lettuce plants that were about to bolt and planted them out of the way to go to seed for next year. We then cleaned out all the old lettuce plants that were about to bolt and gave them to the chickens. We had Swiss Chard started in cups and we transplanted those out into the garden. We started okra and some additional squash plants in flats for later planting. We’ve decided to try topping our peppers this year!

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update May 11, 2020

  1. Thank you for that! You guys made me laugh with the lettuce moving. I have also observed that when I finally dig parts of my garden with a perennial planting I see my good soil on top and yucky clay on the bottom, I remember being disappointed that the worms hadn’t taken my good stuff down to amend the lower clay. I feel the clay becomes okay soil when I amend it with my compost over the years, but to each his own of course! You sure can see that you are building humus! I too have been thinking about topping peppers, I’m keen to see how yours turn out, though I have a much shorter season. That Siberian kale looks yummy! People often don’t realize the under the heading Kale there are actually cultivars of completely different species, with vastly different tastes and textures! Your videos are great, they always give me something to think about!


  2. I always top my peppers, last year the peppers were almost as tall as I was with no support! The trunk looked like a tree and I still have dried out branches as trophies lol. That's really interesting about the lettuce. I like letting everything go to seed, but kales plopping all over the place definitely get in the way. Great video as usual

  3. I think this year i'm going to start saving some more seeds especially seeing how hard
    it is to get ahold of them this year!! I put all my green beans seeds in a bit too early but
    im hopeful at least a couple will pop up and produce!! I'll have to try topping my pepper
    plants i may top half and see!! MMmm kale!! Our oldest cat likes cooked asparagus!!
    Some okra sounds good now!! Have a good'nnn

  4. I think your smart arse husband should have been doing all the digging!! LOL!! Btw…neat paperclip idea on your packets of seeds there!! I might do that for mine!! :-)!!

  5. I've topped my peppers in the past and it does seem to make for a stronger plant in many varieties. But this year I did not and most of them have split the growing tip on their own. Tobascos got pretty tall before they split off while the habaneros split off at less than a foot tall.

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  7. Hi, I just subbed to your channel. Very nice, I also do backyard growing of vegetables. Please check out my channel and sub if you like it. I’m trying to motivate folk to start growing their own vegetables etc., even in a small backyard. God bless you.

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