March 22, 2025

VIDEO: 17 MORE Brilliant FREE Vegetable Gardening Hacks | Productive and Easy Garden Hacks

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This video was inspired because of the popularity of my original 17 Free Vegetable Gardening Hacks video that came out back in February. Here are another 17 garden hacks that I use all the time and feature gardening tips and tricks that will help you from watering to composting. I really hope you find these garden hacks useful to help you grow your own food.

Original 17 Brilliant Free Vegetable Gardening Hacks video:

My Online Course ‘More Food Less Effort’:

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My 1st Book (Veg in One Bed)
My 2nd Book (Grow Food for Free)

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#gardenhacks #organicgardening #vegetablegardening

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 17 MORE Brilliant FREE Vegetable Gardening Hacks | Productive and Easy Garden Hacks

  1. I put down 2 cm thick layer of grass cuttings from lawn mover around my vegetables. Mulching prevents weeds from growing, but birds like to mess it up and it shouldn't touch vegetable stems too much, or it may heat up and damage the vegetables.

  2. If the potting medium is bone dry I like to wet it with a stick in a bucket or wheel barrow and shovel for larger quantities. It’s a lot like making dough, and lot quicker than trying to fully wet cells full of desiccated organic matter.

  3. To help control slugs & snails – bury a jar in the garden, lid off, part fill with beer. Watch the slugs & snails make tracks for it. Saw-dust, also deters these crawlers.
    The beer flavoured snails & slugs, if you have chickens or ducks, can be fed to the birds.

  4. Loved the idea of making fertilizer from weeds, just had wondered others ways to fertilize other than using compost as my compost is not ready yet.

  5. Hi Huw. I am really interested in your 'dirty compost' method. Do you think you could add foliage from potatoes that have had blight? Or should I always burn this? Thanks.

  6. Bought both your books after viewing your videos during Lockdown Melbourne last year. One year on, still in lockdown!! Have managed to build a vegetable garden, seed raising & propagations for plantings. Even built a grow house not to mention the compost bins. Your inspiration has been so inspiring and appreciated especially in this very different world.

  7. Great idea about the board for slugs. However I hardly cut anything in this video because this guy is so good looking I am not even paying attention to what he saying LOL

  8. I cook the nettles, they're tasty & stay green! I also dilute worm waste 12-1 because it's strong. Thanks for the weed long-compost tip! Less waste, more compost!

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