In this video we finally plant out the Honey Boat Squash. The flesh tastes like a sweet potato and the fruits store for months. We also plant out the pole beans ready for a bumper crop in the summer. If you’ve never grown Honey Boat Squash do consider adding them to your ‘must try’ list.
Here’s a link to a video showing what they look like.
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#honeyboatsquash #polebeans #frenchclimbingbeans #delicatasquash
ROFLMAO. You are hilarious!
Fort Squash, Bit of wire eh well scratted sir
I did laugh at the joke. I think the rabbets are blocked out you filled that hole in the fence. Or the people on the next plot evicted them. Yes cage the French…. Beans. Just having a beer with you I will try for a joke.. I will pay for two years lol When I win the lottery. Screwy wabbit.
Belly pork by post .. Finished at 1447
Ahahaha, great intro. But the nozzle on that thing gave you away.
That was a good crack Adam! Still chuckling…will also see if I can come up with a funny for you!!!
Nice planting good sand to plant
Another cracking Video Adam, a laugh a minute. Garden related Joke theres a challenge Take care Mike
Good one Adam lol
great intro! This was fun
hahahahaha! loved the opening sequence
are honeyboat an heirloom squash? interesting variety of french beans – not seen those before.
@ 15.28 (or thereabouts) looking like cockchafer larvae (expected to see your boot come down on it Lol).
Hi Adam, you describe your soil as rubbish but look at the depth of top soil on the plot. Plenty of kitchen gardeners would love to have a soil where you can push the spade in with such ease. I would say that liberal applications of farmyard manure or digging in a green manure will prove to be the long term answer to soil fertility. There is a wonderful film on YouTube called "Making a Compost Heap (1941)" This was sponsored by The Ministry of Agriculture as part of the Dig for Victory campaign during World War 2. Well worth watching and will save you buying expensive bagged compost!
Cute into kiddo. I'm done for the year. A weeks worth of weather with lightly low at or just about freezing has even killed off my leeks. I'm not even going to try again. I've a few plants in the greenhouse (that I had to heat all week) but that's all for me. I'm beat. Thanks for posting.
Nice tutorial
great tips
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hope you would like to check out.
Adam, I think your just trying to take the piss out of us with those jokes. Take care my friend. Cheers Aussie Keith