March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Meet ALL 5 of My Chickens | Al's Homestead

Meet ALL 5 of my chickens in today’s episode.
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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Meet ALL 5 of My Chickens | Al's Homestead

  1. Thanks for updating us on the girls. They are content in your arms. When do the new chicks arrive and are you ready for them? I like the chickens with the wild feathers on their heads.

  2. Hey love your vids Al am 11 and own a lot more chickens then you over 25 it's pretty easy and I wish we could talk and we could become friends plus you have my favorite breed barred Rock and I don't have that one because I can't find any I'll continue my search hope we could become friends

  3. Wow! So great ! I’m 13 I started getting animals about 2 years ago, I now have over 50 animals and take care of them all myself. Goats lambs chickens ducks turtles, etc etc. It’s so nice to see others my age be interested in the same things.

  4. It’s nice to have a small flock. Less food$$$ and easier to house. Ever since a raccoon got in our chicken coop years ago my (now) 4 chickens are kept in plastic airy storage boxes with leaves in an enclosed room. This has also prevented them from passing a chicken virus pox to each other in the Spring. I’ve had my two Bantams for 12 years. I have 2 ducks and I am getting two baby ducks Feb. 9, 2021. Oh Boy!

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