March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Simple Guide to Slug Control | How to Effectively Deal with Slugs in the Vegetable Garden

This video is all about how to deal with slugs in the vegetable garden using organic methods. Slugs can be disastrous, but if you use the 3 strategies outlined in this video, you’ll be able to get rid of slugs sooner than you think, or at least lessen their damage. The great thing is that you don’t have to buy anything for slug control. Instead, you can make the most of free and readily available materials around you to help win the war against slugs. I really hope this will help you deal with slugs in your vegetable garden.

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Simple Guide to Slug Control | How to Effectively Deal with Slugs in the Vegetable Garden

  1. Literally picked up about 300 in the past few weeks from my allotment it is less, but they keep coming back. Does not matter what I do if my neighbours do not cut the grass or care. I guess I just need to keep picking them up.

  2. Great tips. Thank you.
    I have lots of rosemary bushes and cut lot’s of sprigs put them all round my garden beds. Stops slugs, snails and even cats. When the rosemary dries up even better.

  3. Beer is expensive instead if you can't get free beer from pub beer tray just use 1 t flour 1t white sugar 1/2t of dried yeast. Slugs are attracted by the yeast not alcohol.

  4. I have noticed a species of what seems like super slugs, horrible huge,fat orange things. Yuk. I have had to resort to using pellets otherwise there would be just too much damage I do worry about the frogs and hedgehogs so will definitely try your suggestions Huw.

  5. I had an abseiling ninja slug in the greenhouse recently. It had travelled up the outside, came in through a vent and there it was, dangling on a spider's web above me. And then before I could down tools it dropped and I have no idea where it went, not on the tomatoes and I couldn't see it moving on the soil either! Blighters.

  6. Idk where slugs came from. I plant some lettuce in front of my house, but idk why slugs keep coming, idk where they came from, but they keep eating my red lettuce. Last week i check them. I think my lettuce have some abnormal growth, they are very shorter than my green lettuce that planted at the same time. But when I look closer, they actually eaten, and some slugs crawling there, idk where they came from

  7. Hi I found Therapeutic Essential oils work well many pest in the garden as well…

    We are all aware of what's happening around the world with Corniavirus!
    Many people are driven to do things differently!
    One of them is? Many people are starting to grow vegetable in their own backyard etc…

    As we know pest like to help them to vegetable to. I'm adding this Awesome information of some of the ESSENTIAL OILS that will help control Bugs Natural! Without having to use TOXIC PESTICIDES!

    Essential oils play a big role in organic gardening. Various types of oils help to repel insects and kill invasive weeds that try to overtake the edible parts of the garden. Keep your home garden growing abundantly without chemicals with these tips for gardening with essential oils.

    How to Mix and Use
    When using essentials oil to keep pests out of the garden, mix a few drops of the oil in a spray bottle filled with water, then spray on all the plants. The oils are natural and won’t harm the plants or the humans doing the spraying. Can you say that about Round-Up???

    Make spraying for pests or weeds the last thing you do after working in the garden so it will have time to settle on the plants and soil.
    Insect Repelling Oils

    * Garlic oil is very pungent and works well at repelling several pests, including mosquitoes and cats.
    * Lemongrass, citronella, eucalyptus and cajeput essentials oils are very effective for garden use. All repel a variety of flying and crawling pests without harming vegetation.

    * Peppermint essential oil repels ants, lice, spiders and fleas. If you own pets, it’s a great to use on the lawn to keep the flea population at bay. Soak cotton balls with non-diluted peppermint oil and tuck around the perimeter of your garden to keep rats and squirrels from eating your vegetables.

    * Pine oil repels fleas, ticks, slugs and snails. Good to use in the garden and landscape when you have children and/or pets.

    * Ongard Oil Pesticides: Ongard oil has clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. In a standard size spray bottle, fill almost full of water and then add enough Ongard Cleaner to color the water.

    * Rosemary essential oil is a natural mosquito and cat repellent. To keep cats from using your garden as their own personal bathroom, try this trick. Spray small strips of cloth with rosemary oil water and hang the strips up around the perimeter of your garden. Cats hate the smell of rosemary and will stay away – so will the mosquitos. Re-wet cloth strips weekly or after a rain.

    * Tea tree, lavender and clove essential oils are good all-around insect repellents.
    Fungus Killer,

    Moss and other types of fungus grow on garden soil and deplete nutrients before plants can uptake them. Kill the fungus with these anti-fungal essential oils. Add 10 drops of the essential oil of your choice to a spray bottle, then spray the soil thoroughly.

    * Cinnamon, clove, peppermint, onion, garlic, rosemary, thyme, tea tree or oregano.
    * Neem oil will rid the garden of nematodes which live in the soil and attack plant roots.
    Attract Pollinators.

    Essential oils can be used not only to repel the bad guys, but attract the good guys too.

    Attract natural pollinators to your garden with orange blossom, sage, yarrow, lavender, catmint and fennel essential oils mixed and used the same ways as the repellents.

  8. I hate to kill anything including insects but lately slugs and snails has damaged all my lovely plants and this is a brilliant ideas to control slugs and snails naturally. You got a new subscriber, thank you for such a great video.

  9. My great gran used to plant marigolds around lettuce as a bit of a sacrificial offering to slugs and to attract pollinators.
    She also blew up a haggis and stank up the kitchen for a week. So, there's that.

  10. Encourage frogs/toads to take up residence. Give them places to live, don't use chemical fertilizers or pesticides since they irritate their skin. Attracted lots of toads here in Central AZ (desert) and had no slug issues.

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