In this video, I show what happens to logs and wood buried in the vegetable garden after 4 years as a Hugelkultur raised bed.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
this is so satisfying to listen to while working. Thank you!
Jake Stewart garden bed good jobs for jake Stewart
You got a new following
Apparently if you bury a dead body in your garden the plants thrive.
thank you for this it is a rare video indeed. did you notice the plants having any problems growing because of decomposing wood taking nitrogen from the soil?
I'm a female alone nobody to help me, so I need to know where I get enough of dirt to fill a raised garden, do I put horse manure to fertilize?
I don't like any kind of bugs, so I always spray bug killer, I have never done anything like this so I need lots of help, I watch a lot of videos and want to learn, however this is the most informative and pleasant to watch…
chicamore …how do I spell this so I can get some seed…I liked the look of it when you showed it
the only time I did this sort of decomposting logs etc I got colorado beetle and some other problems so I am not sold on it!
Don’t termites feed on woods? Why bury food for subterranean termites?
G'Dday Mate from Brazil. I lived in Aussie Land 5 years. Brisvegas. I miss speaking and listening "Australian".
What if you just burn them?
This is an older video so you probably won't see this comment. But I wanted to thank you, Mark, for doing that hard work just to show us what happens to the debris that is at the base of a raised bed. That was a massive effort on your part, simply for education. Kudos to you!!
At 7:30 where he gets the Heebie Geebies I lost it and laughed so hard! Just some humor!
So far, I see a thousand people that are upset that they didn't think of this first.
Thanks mate. Such a good video about progression on raised beds ideas
I really enjoy your videos since in started watching about a year ago. Giving me more good ideas to do here in Ontario, Canada
take care
I’m new at all of this. Thank you for so many great tips and tricks. I can’t wait to see how much I really accomplish with my own garden!
Ive honestly never heard or thought of doing that. How interesting
your such a lovely man
This is also nicely done
Do you think something like that would work in southeastern Minnesota USA? Can you recommend some books on that type of raised beds?
Thanks for sharing your project's experience, gave plenty of good ideas, and good vibes too.
Is it also good to use cement blocks or wood boards to construct raised beds? I see in your garden you use corrogated metal sheets. Thank you.
Thanks so much Mark. Yet another video of yours that I learn so much from. Could you tell me…have you any experience with using anything with eucalyptus? A tree next door drops a lot of bark into my yard and I'd love to make use of it with something like this method, but I do worry about the toxins that are in eucalypts. Thanks again!
could a wood chipper speed this up?
Haha this channel
I wonder how much the nitrogen:carbon is disrupted with this method?
Will it attract termites?
Should you make each of your beds this way? For each food crop?