June 28, 2024

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting and Canning Siberian Kale May 21, 2020

  1. Fry up some onion…bacon…mushrooms…a good dash of garlic steak salt…and some cabbage!! Mmmm…mmmm!! If you got left over silverside you can also use that instead of bacon!! YUM!! That's what I thought of when I saw that cabbage!! :-)!!

  2. Your kale looks great! I’m especially a fan of the Red Russian Kale, I have been growing it for a few years to replace garlic once I harvest, last year I had trouble with about half the plants wilting so this year I’m going to try mustard greens, I hope we like them! I haven’t tried canning kale or mustard greens yet, you have me intrigued! When you eat kale you can just feel it doing your body good, it’s the very best food for fighting macular degeneration!


  3. Great harvest of kale Lea!! Looks like it'd make some good kale chips too!!
    That squash to the left of where the kale was harvest looks like its coming right along!!
    Have a good'nnn

  4. Hi there!! Great video. Quick questionc why do you cook them before canning? Doesnt that change the texture of the leave? Is that required? I am new to gardening and learning a lot so please forgive my ignorance. Thank you in advance!!

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