January 9, 2025

VIDEO: What Happens When You INTERPLANT Fruits and Vegetables in the Same Garden?

In this video I show what happens when you plant fruits and vegetables in the same garden.

Thanks for the kind words and support 😁🐕❤️


→Amazon affiliate link: https://amzn.to/2z7NIRQ

→Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/jps-store-5


→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK https://shop.epicgardening.com

→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant: https://amzn.to/2WCZfRX

→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic: https://amzn.to/39m1YCQ

→Row Cover: https://amzn.to/2GR12h5

→Neem Oil: https://amzn.to/2NgXfta

→Insect Netting: https://amzn.to/2DbJ9I7

→BT Spray for Brassicas: https://amzn.to/3erdkss

→Pruners I use: https://amzn.to/2QsNCtT

→Tomato Clips: https://amzn.to/2YxoaGr

→Square Foot Gardening Book: https://amzn.to/3bUwCVo

→My Boots https://amzn.to/2NZq5Pe


→Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesPrigioniGardening

→Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesPrigioni

→Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesprigioni

→Contact: (Business Only) thefranchisse3@gmail.com

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Happens When You INTERPLANT Fruits and Vegetables in the Same Garden?

  1. You are amazing man! Love the channel. I’m curious why you have decided to use more traditional beds. I’ve noticed you have transitioned to planting in mixtures of different mediums rather than the soil under tour chips. Is this a normal progression in your system? And why have you chosen it?

  2. Absolutely! I’m 56 and I told my hubby when Covid hit “I don’t know how many springs I have left.” Let’s GO!!!! I put all energy into food production. It’s changed my life.

  3. How much will Tuck charge to come to my house in North jersey and corner the groundhog and it's kid. They have destroyed my cucumbers, watermelon, squash, eggplant and now have turned to my tomatoes that are trying to rippen up. So frustrating.

  4. Hi James

    I watch you on youtube all the time. You are the best and Tuck too. I want to start food forest garden, but my backyard is sloped. Is this going to be a problem?

  5. @7:45 love it! “Play like a child, have fun, enjoy yourself. It’s something that gets imprinted into the plants, because everything comes after it’s kind.”

  6. Absolutely love your videos, especially when the "Head of Garden Security", Tuck, gets good camera time! I'm redoing my garden, all in the Square Foot Gardening method. Keep the videos coming, really looking forward to what you have planned for 2021!

  7. You should appear in the Tedx Talks channel inspiring people and empowering them to start planting their own food in their yards, and be self sufficient and have a sustainable life, I really admired you and greetings from Puerto Rico!

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