March 23, 2025

VIDEO: How Correct Pruning Methods Can Make A HUGE Difference on Plant Health

Pruning vs. cutting back. What are the differences and how do they effect plant health? In this episode we will talk about the differences and what they will do to increase overall plant health. Check out our new clothing line!

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Correct Pruning Methods Can Make A HUGE Difference on Plant Health

  1. Loved this video! Big thumbs up for me. I am very interested in starting herb gardening. I planted parsley, cilantro, rosemary, thyme, oregano and sage this year. Video was very helpful so I know how to take care of my herbs. Thank you!

  2. Great information, can really use it to fix some issues we've got with our herbs.
    We're in the Pacific NW and for us parsley isn't an annual. We've had some get out of control, winter over and grow six feet tall.

  3. Oregano is crazy prolific! Last year, I left a clump to bloom, and the little flowers were loaded with pollinators! So this year, after dividing that clump, I am growing some for us, which is trimmed, but I am leaving some to grow and bloom for pollinators.

  4. Tiny interjection: Those of you wishing to easily propogate some replacement perennial herbs, when I get these rogue shoots, I will tack them down with a bend of heavy gauge wire (or you can use a small rock/etc) bury them at least a half inch and tack down, you will then get a new rooted plant. I do this especially with my thyme and sage, since they tend to fizzle over the years.

  5. So here is where I should ask this question then…how do you top peppers then, trim back black berries etc? since I am blind I can’t see how much(quantifiable amount()) to trim back or the angle of cutting/trimming/topping plants. Any step by step on this would be awesome. O just incase to clarify quantifiable amount: ex: if I have a leaf from the tip to the cutting point, what is the distance? On a black berry same thing from the tip/top of a vine how much should I should cut back on average for this process? Thanks in advance

  6. you are one of my 3 gardener's I watch and im so greatful for your furtalizer it has given me a green thumb lol. I literally killed every plant up until last year when I 1st started following you and 2 others after tons of videos. just wanted to say ty for putting in a way I can understand xocox

  7. So Luke, please correct me if I am wrong. In haircutting terms, pruning is a light trim. Cutting back is a buzz cut. Sorry, I cut hair for 25 years. Just thought the analogy fit the topic. Blessings, Z

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