Last year, I gave myself 90 days to prepare to live off of my garden, fishing, foraging, and bartering for 30 consecutive days. I called it the Apocalypse Grow Challenge. I wanted to see how feasible it was for me, an intermediate gardener with about 150sqft of growing space, to quite literally live off of my garden and the local environment in an EXTREMELY urban space. I live 1 mile from a major downtown city, so if I could do it…surely anyone could, right?
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Great video! Thanks!!!
In a hypothetical scenario where you have to/decide to switch to this sort of 'apocalypse' living on a full-time basis, the choice of stuff to grow in the garden can make a big difference in your macronutrient availability. Without the time constraint that comes with doing this challenge in a short time, growing crops of beans, lentils, and other high protein crops would definitely make a difference I'd imagine.
Challenge? You ate like a king lol
The hospitable fired genetically mark because asia cosmetically compare except a testy jail. happy, hoc rail
Great channel, love your casual relaxed teaching style. Just fabulous! Thanks for the treat!
yay congrats on your 10,000!!!!
ahh, start if off with the age-old question: "is it possible to live off the land?"
Another source of protein are house sparrows, in California they aren't regulated so if you trap them you can harvest them but they're a little rough if you're used to farmed meat since they are fairly gamey and tough.
Whyd you eat that bait though?
The equivalent of those eggs are at least 8-10 kg of potatoes though…
Why didn't you fertilise your plants with your own feces and urine. I do it and my potatoes are so big, that they dont look like potatoes anymore, but they're like giant bushes.
i would be really interested if you did this again, since you have a larger garden now. A season 2 of this would be cool, Love this concept.
This is better then I live and you call this a challenge??
I actually do forage, fish and garden for a lot of my food…however I live half the year in the woods and half in the city where I have a massive indoor garden (hits -40C where I live) and am a block away from a river. I eat a lot of kinnikinnick and other wild berries, stinging nettles, maskêkopakwa, mushrooms (lot of boletes, and chicken of the woods here), cattails, rose hips, wilds Prunus spp, birch syrup, Chenopodium album (leaves and seeds), Plantago major (leaves and seeds), nuts years that we get them and a lot of fish, and produce from my place in the city. As I'm on a large lake I use a kayak to sneak over fish and travel to foraging areas. Absolutely love it.
What a great video. Makes me want to reach out and try to barter with people.
Looks like you can use these tecniques now as the normal operating procedure!
About the mulberries, you can eat the stem too, with the flesh, and it won't taste any different but maybe it'll give you more vitamins or something
The reason everyone doesn't grow their own, even if it is possible, is because we need some of those people to be free to focus on other things like medicine and science, and thats how we advance. Otherwise we would all just be brilliant farmers.
They say half the world's population only exists due to the grid and the worldwide trade. I believe it. Imagining producing or foraging not only enough food for myself, but for my boyfriend, 2 kids, and pets, seems like an impossible task. It IS my goal to do it, though, and to produce enough grains to feed the farm animals too. I'm already growing a few things inside my house. Every bite counts!
so to conclude, if I want to do this, I need an reasonable amount of land and some poultry (ducks & Chicken) then I think it would be much easier.
isn't trading your food for someone else's a form of cheating? i mean, i don't understand the difference between that and just buying some food products that you need with money, whether it means going to whole foods or a farmer's market.
Hey Kevin new subscriber here, can you please do another 30day challenge please!!!!!
when an "apocalyptic" themed challenge turns into a pretentious dinner party, i'm out.
Wait you drink alcohol ok that's now bad