March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Fava Beans Looking Good Like they SHOULD | Backyard Garden 2020

Fava Beans Looking Good Like they SHOULD | Backyard Garden 2020
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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Fava Beans Looking Good Like they SHOULD | Backyard Garden 2020

  1. Mark you are way ahead of this ignorant Zimbabwean learner. But know that you are my one stop guru on organics and far behind as I am I'm walking in your footsteps. And I know I speak for many in thanking you for leaving them there for us.

  2. The weather here in the Pacific Northwest is unusually chilly right now. Tomatoes and peppers in the garden beds are shivering a bit. I hope they'll hang in there till it warms up later this month.
    Thanks for another great video.

  3. Hi Mark,
    It's time for a bee update, no? I wonder if you could make a cheap, mobile mini hoop cover for the delicate plants that don't like to be cold. How would you even do that. With wood or PVC pipes? Greenhouse plastic obviously. Would it have wheels to move around the farm? Big wheels with an axle that supports the hoop system so that you can move it into place then remove the wheels so the hoop sits on the ground. Could be used for crop extension at the end of the season keep things growing a few extra weeks. Cheers,

  4. WOW I was confident they would do well. Thanks for the update man… not really a fail, yet it is a learning opportunity for all of us. Thanks for sharing this with us…

  5. Nice to see your fafa beans. Crazy weather is right; after a cold and snowy start to May the second half was way above normal in the mid 80"s which really helped our soil temps get to where they need to be then June 1st we had frost with highs now in the 50's. The poly tunnels I made last year are really helping us get started.

  6. I use Faba's mainly for covers, so I broadcast them in Jan and terminate them after they have flowered so thebees get some benefit but before they really fruit so that I maximize the nitrogen in the soil where I plant heavy feeders. I leave stands of them to fruit here and there and harvest dried beans for next years planting. I am between San Jose and San Francisco and harvest about 1/2 my remaining pods this week I already. What a difference a meer 2900 miles makes! I would just say they are a forgiving plant that you can plant early and get good results.

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