March 18, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Ways to Keep Your Plants Cool and Thriving During Hot Weather

  1. So, this week, we had 50 mph wind gusts which tore apart my little plastic green house/poly tunnel. We then shot up to 105 degrees. And to add insult to injury, the ground squirrels ate my kale and cabbages. I’m very discouraged right now.

  2. I'm in zone 4b Montana we have temperature swings from 85 to 35 … so crazy we don't have spring either. time for the greenhouse to stabilize

  3. It is 99 here in Minnesota today. My lettuce came back from last year I finally started my gardening yesterday because we were still getting 30’s and 40 degree weather last week. Today a lot of my crop are droopy. I started watering them early this morning before it had gotten too hot out. But it was already in 80 at 7 this morning. For the next 7 days it will be in its 90s.

  4. I have 108-degree weather – the sun is burning everything – what can I do? ;-(
    it's my first year
    my tomato dying very fast
    I plant in the container…

  5. I don’t have a lot room for a raised bed. I a 20’ x 15’ . My problem is when plant spinach and Lettuce for second time, because some of the plants were bolting already. We were having a lot rain lately. But seedlings still , did not grow. Why. Also I so much trouble with slugs and snails eating my wife’s Korean radish, I try nematodes, but it still did not work. I need help for underground insects

  6. Here in North Texas, right next door to the sun, the extremely hot weather of 30 C (100 F) and higher temperatures starts around mid to late spring and ends around early to mid fall. And even using the rain water I harvest, still need to use city water. The heat has been killing the majority of seedlings and sprouts. And not many survive post transplanting so my garden has been overtaken by unknown plants. However, despite no watering, no feeding, and no maintenance what so ever, my raised bed is full and green. I try very hard to take care of the plants and they wilt and die. I am going to start growing weeds. 100% zero effort needed to grow weeds. Heat and cold hearty. And apparently seeding is not required to grow weeds.

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