September 28, 2024

VIDEO: I wish they told me This when I first started Gardening, How to IMMEDIATELY Increase your Harvest

After I learned this technique my harvests immediately increased, and the great thing is it didn’t take more work, more time, or more space.

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: I wish they told me This when I first started Gardening, How to IMMEDIATELY Increase your Harvest

  1. you are a true gift to this realm, james prigioni. i am wowed by yours insistent and genuine and truthful insights. thise are verg meaningful to me when you give us that genuine little personal chat in these videos.

  2. James. how do supply water to the garden? do you have a dedicated water line underground? I find hoses cumbersome and damage plants when they get pulled taught for more length.

  3. I have barely any space in my rental property but me and my housemate make the most of it (or try to) but I find having limited space leads to more innovative ways of growing, it's a challenge that we have to adapt to but the way we perceive space has adapted too. I love a challenge so it's been fun!

  4. About 2 weeks ago me and my mom we’re starting garden for my daughter to enjoy running around and picking foods. I looked up something about tomatoes, ran into your videos and to say the least were taking gardening way more seriously than we ever intended. Truly ur an inspiration keep up the good work!

  5. I ordered the square foot gardening book. I can't wait to get it! I am moving really soon and I am very excited to start my food forest. Thank you for your videos and pls keep them coming.

  6. Hi James, greeting from Vietnam. I love your channel and have been learning a lot from you lately. I hear you mentioned Bill Malson (or Manson) a lot of times and wonder where I can find more about his methods? (Book or show). I’m from Vietnam so I’m don’t know about him before I come to your channel

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