March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Garden Harvest June 6, 2020

We had a nice garden harvest today. Our squash and cucumbers are starting to produce very well and our blackberries are still coming in!!

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Harvest June 6, 2020

  1. Good morning Lea. Nice harvest. Looks like most of the bad weather has already passed your area. I hope all is well. We didn't do bad. not very bad winds and 2.48 inches of rain so far. Stay safe. Best wishes Bob.

  2. Ouch on the corn. Been some mean storms rolling this year no doubt. We done had two tropical storms here already. Sure hope this is not a sign of a bad hurricane season coming. Very nice harvest ya got there Mrs. Lea. Stay safe and have a great week!

  3. Watching your harvests is addictive, I swear. I planted a little late this year and just had my first baby tomato show up (west Texas), only flowers on the cucumber and squash so far. Ohh, your cucumbers! Squash! Can't wait to harvest some of my own, fingers crossed. Keep growin'!

  4. Very nice harvest Lea!! Yup one day the squash are little babies and 3 days later they are
    baseball bats size lol!! Hope the corn "bounces" back and produces well for you!!
    Pulled our lettuce today and put in some blue lake bush beans!!
    Those berries make me hungry for some cobbler!! Have a good'nnn

  5. Very nice harvest, Lea. Those blackberries is looking so good.
    Great bed with onions and lots of beans, cucumbers and squash.
    Thanks sor sharing. Have a wonderful week.

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