March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Cutting up irrigation pieces for drip headers and wobbler stands

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


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16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cutting up irrigation pieces for drip headers and wobbler stands

  1. Curtis; enjoyed your request for ideas on regenerating the the world and the 5 issues you see. There are historical experiences that indicate that spiritual should be 1st for that changes people and then people change other things. With Covid-19 and unsettled conditions likely in the world stability in the near future. The interruption of fuel and power might be issues to address. Also encouragement in Micro-farming ranging from container gardening on patios to small plots in 1/6 acre urban yards to feed families during the times of uncertainty. Your example is inspirational to say the least in turning small spaces into production that could feed a small community. Profitability and business savvy to pay for operations and family needs. Addressing how simple water-irrigation systems and garden planning can boost yields are wonderful topics. How to farm not just 2-3 seasons but how to farm 4 seasons even in zones 5-6-7 without power. Perhaps using small solar or wind generation of power for garden needs? We have a freeze dry food preparation system available that helps for storing food for those cold months you might want to run one of your weekly sessions on. I have a sister in law that has a half dozen chickens and she cooks-freeze dries the eggs and stores for later use. Keep up the good work.

  2. Do not respond to the "lets be friends" or "whats this?" comments. Those are hacked accounts that will then find a way into your account and hold it ransom. Report them and move on, but do not engage.
    Good day everyone and stay safe.

  3. Hi Curtis ,i'm watching your channel since a couple days and i have to ask,for you which is the best ground tiller ? By brand and why?(even if they aren't paying you publicity), ignoring that?, i'm making my own and,with your experience i could know the strengths to avoid the weakness of this equipments.thanks in advance for sharing with us,cheers !!!

  4. In Taiwan, the floating drip irrigation is a new drip irrigation technology system that is the best choice for automatic irrigation. It has three characteristics: (1) Auto-remove impurities of pipe in the water, so to solve the long-term blocking problem of the drip irrigation (2) adjusted the amount of water, can plant different types of plants . (3)Lower power, the operating pressure is 0.02~2 Kg/cm2, is very suitable for gravity drip irrigation, as detailed in YouTube:
    (The floating drip irrigation device introduce)
    (The floating drip irrigation system operation)
    (How to install an adjustable floating drip irrigation device in vertical irrigation)
    (The floating drip irrigation device is used in the strawberry plant factory)

  5. Cool set up, thanks for sharing! Anyone know where to buy the hose tail bit (the adaptor attached to the wobbler head)? I can only seem to find brass versions of it which are pretty expensive if you need more than a few.

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