March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Pt 2 FREE Benefits | No TILL | Mulch | From Winter Rye in the Garden Backyard

Pt 2 FREE Benefits | No TILL | Mulch | From Winter Rye in the Garden Backyard
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pt 2 FREE Benefits | No TILL | Mulch | From Winter Rye in the Garden Backyard

  1. I was going to watch this anyway, but I felt like Mark was trying to send a message with that picture. I would have been a little afraid for my safety if I had just scrolled past lol. Keep up the good work Mark!

  2. Hi from western Pennsylvania, we're just starting out on organic gardening and having weed control issues. I noticed your rye didn't have many other plants growing within its canopy. Is this due to your late fall planting? We did an early spring cover crop mix and it germinated but the weeds that have invaded over previous years did too, especially burdock. Thanks for all your helpful videos.

  3. Starting this fall I'm going to start using cover crops in my yard to start converting it for edible trees, bushes, and plants. It's extremely hard, pale yellow, rocky, on a slight hill, and acidic and has a hard time even growing grass in some areas. I live in the north panhandle of WV Zone 6. Any suggestions of what to plant, watch, or a website to get it to break through it?

  4. I’m confused Mark. Please help me. I have winter rye growing in CLUMPS in my lawn which I find difficult to remove. The clumps get larger and larger each year, so I’m reluctant to use rye as a garden cover crop. Your rye seemed to grow on individual stalks, thus not having the clumping effect. Does your rye grow back each season? I do hope you can understand, as I said, I’m totally confused. I googled rye which didn’t help at all. Thanks for your videos.

  5. Excellent explination of the soil food web. If I understand correctly what the tiny soil critters poop out after eating the fugi and bacteria contains amonium and nitrate which is the only plant usable form of N available for non legume plants. Hence completing the N cycle.

  6. Necessity is the mother of invention. I could totally picture myself tying a rake to our saw and doing the same thing. Thank you for your videos.

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