Don’t overlook these crops, not only can they grow in june but they grow very easily! Check out our new clothing line!
VIDEO: Surprising Crops You Can Grow In June (Early Summer)
Don’t overlook these crops, not only can they grow in june but they grow very easily! Check out our new clothing line!
Great video. Perfect timing.
Really enjoy your show!
Taking tomato cuttings is a great way to keep it growing also.
Do you ever use a shade cloth for your garden when it gets really hot?
I did replant new tomato plants in later summer and I ended up with a huge amount of green tomatoes come late October early November (that a pulled before frost) and let them ripen on their own or in a brown paper bag and had my last yummy tomatoes into mid December.
I planted garlic in a covered raised bed (in MN), but this spring, it never came up. What did I do wrong?
Hi! Do you plant green onions in clumps of 3-4 or individually? Thanks!
I am cracking up at myself at how SHOCKED I was at the idea of doing broccoli in June. I've missed what I thought was my window for broccoli the last few years, and now I'm sitting here like, "……………………………..wat."
Love your videos
Yes, good to know. Thanks
The information about re-amending soil after first crop was very valuable you pulled the thought right out of my head
Im in hot tennessee I plant lettuce peas spinach all that in the shade in june even july just heavy water it more often with good leaf mulch
My broccoli bolted this year. (Due to temp fluctuations) No harvest. Will start again, per your advice.
We had a strange ling growing season in 2020, I was picking tomatoes into late October in 7a
Very interesting! Thanks Luke!
I love growing
But we never eat it
Like Cilantro I have so much of it
Now it’s going to seed
We had so many cherry tomatoes last year I couldn’t even give it away
We had 47 degree this morning and now it 85 mich is weird! You never know from year to year what is going happen!
Has anyone ever tryed growing a tomato plant in water.i guess some gardeners do it
You are awesome!
I love how your channel is all about thinking differently about growing things!
Can you grow lettuce in the summer if it’s in the shade? Mottled shade?
This has been the most challenging year for growing and yet after some brutal fall and spring weather, things showed off and came back like crazy on some things. If your not sure of perimters and dont want to waste a lot of seed or take up prime spots. It never hurts to devote a smsll area for experimenting with pushing the limits and finding new things out about plants and what you can do!
I'm in Georgia 7b and the fact you mentioned different veggies for warmer climates was so helpful!!