March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Massive squash HARVEST (And guess who is here!) | VLOG

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Massive squash HARVEST (And guess who is here!) | VLOG

  1. Other ideas for using up huge zucchini, mock apple crisp/cobbler, or I remove peels and seeds and pickle it. Makes a great relish or I love to use it in chicken salad.

  2. You guys are just great! Keep on keep in’ on! Daniel is such a mellow guy. So glad you got to see him. I will grow cabbage too. Just got my seeds!

  3. So glad to see Daniel and so glad he healed up and looks great.  Jess do you make zucchini bread?  My daughter says she loves it but….I have never made it and would like to.  Any good recipes…?

  4. Great editing on this! Fun b-roll shots and cute fun film work. It’s fun to have two sets of hands to film. I loved the shot of your arm sticking up out of thee squash bed with a squash.

  5. If anyone wants success with plants you must read The Secret Life of Plants. It totally changed my mind about plants and I have the deepest respect and reverence for plants. It will improve your relationship with plants. They are not just plants. They are feeling sentient beings. This is a scientific based books backed with laboratory experiments. Theres one thing that nobody does and you need to do. A must read for all gardners. Peter Tompkins is one of the authors.

  6. What a great video to see you guys just hanging together & being able to be LOUD- go for it. Loved the video Jess. Cheers Denise – Australia & HEY DANIEL AGAIN :):):)

  7. I know you've expressed many issues with squash bugs and just wanted to share my experience with you. I have grown butternut squash for maybe 7 years now? I have always grown them in a garden right behind my house that connects to my porch. I usually allow the vines to trail across the porch which has been a fantastic way to keep them off the dirt and I never saw one squash bug. Two years ago we planted them in a garden at the back of our property and allowed them to trail along the ground and somewhat into the grass. Enter the squash bugs…. the poor things never reached more than 4 or 5 feet long before they were overcome by the evil beasts. We hand picked them for days and scraped off all the eggs we could find, but our plants didn't make it. I figured that maybe the bugs had finally found us and that we'd have them every year now. I didn't relish the idea of trying to cover huge squash vines with row covers, but figured we'd give it a try this year if necessary. This year we planted them back in the garden by our house, trailing onto the porch, and we have not had a single squash bug on our butternuts. Maybe last year was just a fluke or we've just gotten lucky… but it seems like an interesting coincidence? Maybe the buggies don't like the super hot wood on our porch? It's not that there aren't squash bugs around this year. In fact, in that same garden at the back of our property we have found some squash bugs on our tomato plants. Might be worth an experiment since you've been so plagued by the bugs in the past.

  8. I've watched so many of your videos that I don't remember if this is the one where you asked about cures for powdery mildew. I've been trying something called Lost Coast Plant Therapy. It's organic, and so far it's working better than milk, peroxide, baking soda, and the baking soda and soap mix.

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