In this video, I outline a great planting method that extends cropping and also increases the productivity of your vegetable garden. Succession sowing and succession planting is a wonderful vegetable gardening technique that should be used wherever possible, and there are a few different types of succession planting which I cover in this video.
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#permaculture #succession #vegetablegarden
Thank you all for watching! If you have any video requests please do let me know! See you again on Saturday and in the meantime if you would like more content then check out my Patreon:
Thank you!
Summer is finally arrived in Québec…32 to 38 degrees thies week. 
I’m finally getting the hang of this succession planting… it’s a challenge in my short growing season.
Thanks for the pointers, Huw!
Hi Huw, I'm new gardener, heard so often first early second early and main crop. Question, what variety of potatoes are they?
I'm doing succession planting in my first garden: I re-sown a few seeds everywhere it didn't germinate! haha!
Hello everyone
Yuhu stay tuned
I like oudoor garden
Thanks for sharing
Thanks Huw, trying to get this idea on the go this year. This is great info.
Thank you for your time and videos
Month to Month plan – never thought of that – you learn something new every day ,I`ll take up that idea
Thank you for all the great information on how to plant over time throughout the year to have nice home grown food for our family and friends. Take care and stay safe and keep up the great work God bless you and your family and friends peace be with you all.
Just got your book yesterday in the mail. Going to read it today.
crops looks great
Hola,,,desde Uruguay te saluda….cual es tu secreto de tan hermosa huerta,,,,podría traducir al español,,,,gracias
Hello Huw. Why is my coriander spindly? I grow it from seed on a window sill, then transfer, never grows like yours. Thank You for your informative video's.
Hi Huw, Thanks for the video. I am really trying to get this right this year (my second year). It is a bit frantic but learning about inter cropping has really helped me. Thanks for all of the valuable content, and for helping me make my patch more productive. Best regards, Robert
I always appreciate Huw’s gentle mannerism with his garden advice
French breakfast radish is great. I wish they sold more seed here. I may save my own seed this year.
So this is my first year of growing in my garden raised bed garden and I’m already seeing mistakes that I need to change for next year I don’t think I’ll be able to do any succession planting this year as my garden has is a hodgepodge of plants in each bed. LOL
So I planted broad beans peas and beans I have so far harvest about six broad beans about 4 inches long they’re small and I’m not seeing any more beans coming out of the plant but I do see some flowering so I’m hoping that’s a positive sign
Those broad beans look fabulous – I have bean envy!
what is this golfing with potatoes? just stick them in the ground, man
Coriander should mean Tex-Mex in Wales…..Fajitas and Hot Salsa for the Brits. Greetings from Texas by a "Londana"!
Thanks for this video Huw. Very interested in micro-succession planting. In a few weeks I'll start to harvest the first potatoes for our family of 3. I'll pull up enough potatoes for 1 meal but I'm thinking of planting Kale from seed immediately in the same place. The next potatoes meal after that I'll plant red cabbage. 3rd potato meal I'll pop in what I hope will be a Baked Potatoe. Don't know what this is called but basically, as I harvest one thing I'll immediately Succession- & Inter- Crop mostly from other plant families.