March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Woman Vs. Wild in the Potato Patch (My huge harvest and Embarrassing Moment) | VLOG

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Woman Vs. Wild in the Potato Patch (My huge harvest and Embarrassing Moment) | VLOG

  1. how are the creepy crawlers in Arkansas? We are looking to move to another state for land and currently live in WA which has basically no venomous or poison spiders and snakes. I want land so much but that part is hard to overcome hahah

  2. Jess, I needed this laugh today because I HATE insects and worms and gardening is a mental hurdle for me because of that but dang! If you can do this, I can. I'll just be wearing muck boots no matter how hot it gets! Haha! Lord help me, I WILL grow organic food straight from the Earth one day for my family.

  3. I bet after 9 months you wish you still had some of them potatoes left I don't think you would but I was so happy to watch you dig him up I will have potatoes there the fun ones God bless you Jess from my family to yours

  4. My mother loved flowers but her massive fear of worms prevented her from growing anything. She was quite pleased that I wasn’t afraid of worms and loved gardening. Every time you scream I’m pleasantly reminded of her response to worms.

  5. Oh my goodness- by far a favorite vlog! I jumped and laughed when you were scared – oh how I know that – and oh how I know the desire to garden over fear of slimy creepy crawlies

  6. If you're going to store them you don't want to wash them. Just set them in a cool dry well ventilated area to cure for a couple weeks before storing them. Just like you would do onions before storing.

  7. I had to subscribe because I HATE creepy crawlers too. I thought I was the only one. This is my second year as a home gardener. My love for growing food and flowers outweighs the worms. I just move them aside and let them get back in the soil.

  8. I hate insects. The only ones that i'm fine with are butterflies, woodlice and worms. Everything else creeps me out. But i LOVE gardening! I just kind of take a deep breath and dig my hands into the soil to remind myself why i do what i do. 🙂

  9. you can store spuds in a dirt basement, by hanging them in potato sacks. works very well. also, if you plant Magic Molly's (purple spuds), they will often have a few scabs on the flesh, but you can easily cut those areas off…just the peeling…your spuds are still fine to use.

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