March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Grow Cactus From Seed|100% SUCCESS RATE

Cultivation and Propagation: It is not too difficult in a greenhouse, although grows quite slowly. The plants need a loose well-drained mineral soil. They need a good amount of light. Watering can be done weekly during summertime, if the weather is sunny enough, with a little fertilizer added. Kept this way, plants will show a healthy, although slow growth. They are frost hardy to -4° C.
Propagation: By seeds, remembering that seedlings dislike strong light and dry conditions and need to be re-potted frequently. Eventually, as they become mature, they attain a maximum size of 8-10 cm (20) cm. However, old plants become senile and have a tendency to succumb to disease and a weak root system. At this stage, as is well known, they die suddenly. So, after they reach 10 cm in diameter grow them slowly, and adopt a new re-potting period, using intervals of every 2 – 3 years. Additionally grow them under drier conditions or with stronger sunlight. But plants are often grafted to accelerate growth as they would generally take at least a five years to reach maturity on their own, but the grafted plants are typical rather tall growing, compared with plants on their own roots that are usually more flat to the ground.
SEED SOWING TIME: Throughout the year but avoid extreme weather conditions (In India-feb to july)
Astrophytum Asteria Superkabuto
Astrophytum asterias kikko
Astrophytum asterias Ooibo
Astrophytum asterias
Cactus Mix seeds
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii Variegated



Song: BraveLion – Sleeping Jungle (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grow Cactus From Seed|100% SUCCESS RATE

  1. sir do i sowing it in august ? or these seeds are sowing next february pl tell. and I have a mixture of 1 part compost and two part of cocopeat and one part of coarse sand mixture. and this mixture i kept with mixing 1 spoon tricoderma viridi. sir I sowing the seeds in this mixture.

  2. So you water the soil prior to planting the seeds. When you put the seeds and put the lid on how often do you water? You keep is sealed till it germinates and don’t water it anymore?

  3. Help please!!! I am a newbie I live in the foothills of North Carolina
    USA 4 equal seasons. I presently own 23 different cacti the variety of
    cactus some I have are "Echinocereus Enneacanthus /Lobivia Schieleana
    Quiabayensis / Parodia Tredecimcostata / Notocactus / /Parodia aculta /
    Rebutia Flavistyla / Echinopsis Subdenudaa / Mammillaria Perbella. (I
    only buy the ones that flower). I have had a perfect spring and summer
    (outdoors) much fruit many flowers I am enjoying myself immensely BUT, BUT!

    To say I am confused on the right way the best way to care for cacti is
    a understatement because there are so many different opinions on
    YouTube. As an example of what I mean some say during the winter to
    water once a month another once every six weeks another once every two
    months or still another not to water at all for four months total…….
    Can someone recommend the number 1 book for beginners growing cacti the
    bible of the kind of species cacti I own I am growing? Please and thank
    you, Thank you very much.

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