March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Three Ways We Keep Deer and Rabbit OUT of the Garden: Soap, Deer & Rabbit Repellent, Critter Ridder

These are three ways we keep the animals out of the garden. All three methods work the same way, the animals don’t like the smell. Each has a different smell they don’t like, the combined efforts will keep the animals, especially the rabbits, out of the garden. This works on deer too (although a fence is better!)
Amazon links to items used in the video:
Deer and Rabbit Repellent:
Critter Ridder:
Happy Growing!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Three Ways We Keep Deer and Rabbit OUT of the Garden: Soap, Deer & Rabbit Repellent, Critter Ridder

  1. I was wondering about the main ingredient in the spray…here is the description ….Egg solids are a common human food. Putrescent whole egg solids (including inedible egg powder, dried whole egg and powdered inedible egg solids) are produced from eggs that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has declared inedible for human consumption due to cracked shells or imperfections.

    I thought I had this for breakfast ! LOL

    Great video…..keep em coming…..long time fan…

  2. I don’t have this “problem” where I live but the sight of any of those animals close to my window or back yard would make my heart melt. It would be so rare if that ever happened over here; I have a question. What would happen if you made a batch of plants and vegetables just for those animals (for each year) and still make and keep your own vegetables garden and still use the soap technique to keep them away from your own crops? Would it be costly or would it become a bigger problem? sorry if I sound ignorant but I have never encountered something like this in my life

  3. I’ve heard of using Irish Spring soap placed around the garden in packets made from pantyhose. You can also use pantyhose to hold other repellants. It refreshes every time it rains since the pantyhose packets are porpoise and stronger than gauze or cheesecloth.

  4. I've found that putting a couple of barberry trimmings on the leaves of hostas will keep deer away and it will last all season long and even into the next season if the trimming are moved up on top of the leaves as the plant grows. I'm sure it would work well for other plants as well.

  5. I cut six small chunks out of a bar…I cut bunch of squares of fabric tulle and put each one each square and pull four corners up and twist and tie knot just like wedding rice bags and got christmas ball hooks or paper clips and hang them around.

  6. Instead of the soap idea, you might want to bag up some dried blood or even some moth balls..Rabbits for sure do not like the blood smell they usually stay far away..As far as deer are concerned, leaving soiled mens t shirts hang outside will keep them away.

  7. Rabbits have terrorized my lawn. I put little bags of Irish Spring, plus shavings, all around my yard. Rabbits still happily invade eating all my grass, including all the fresh new grass coming up from my overseeding. So sad seeing all the hard work go down the drain! If you come up with any more ideas that might work, please do post.

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