Join me for the 8th week garden tour for the 2020 Growing Season. We are growing in central Arkansas zone 7b.
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The super growth on the tomatoes in the tunnel could be because they want to capture more sunlight, instead of straggling with the sun… just a thought.
I don't know if you know this but if you plant kale in a partially shady spot you can let the same plants grow for two years in the same spot in your zone. I love my Kale and that is what I do and I love having all this Kale all year round. All I do is keep harvesting the outer larger leaves.
My yard is shaded, a lot. It is hard watching others harvest and my plants are behind. sigh
My biggest struggle is having enough sun! I just noticed the blackberry vines have grown up enough to shade my beans. We have moved our garden and cut down trees but I still struggle to have enough sun!
Do you grow egg plant
Jess, are you saying "Pure Crop 1" ?
what is the temp of your high tunnel this time of year?
You've enriched so many of our lives too, Jess. So did you give the little frog a lift outta there? I was thinking, he could do some good if placed near the plants with hornworms, but without water, it can't last long in that heat.
Maybe you could put some bowls of water around for critters that may find their way in there, & can't find their way out. If a bowl of water were placed near the plants with hornworms, maybe the smell of water would lure him there.
Wow – you're so amazing and your plants love you for sure
may I ask why you prefer raised beds for most of your plants?! thank you & God bless
What do you do with all of your kale?
your garden is so nicei like to see so muchthank you
Hey Jesse, about that blue jade sweet corn will be white when it is in the milk stage. The only sweetcorn that is blue in the milk stage is Bellingham blue. The reason that crossed corn will be bad the first year is because what you are eating is the seed. The reason you don't notice this with tomatoes or peppers is because you are eating the fruit around the seeds. If you were just eating the seeds of tomatoes or peppers you would notice the taste from the first season after the cross.
Hey Jesse, don't forget to save seeds from your Triple Crop tomatoes that are the most productive. It is also important to save seeds because over a few years they become acclimated to your area. These will be more productive than Triple crop tomatoes from a seed company that isn't in your area.
I know this video is older, but do you guys deal with vine borers? I have zero luck with the squash family.
what was the tiny melon you pickle??
Which tomatoes grow so well, disease resistant that you mentioned after climbing triple crop plz?
Sweet potatoes in your bare spots for summer!
I live in fl zone 9b on the gulf and they do great as a summer ground cover. Maybe they will work for you
You could put in your beds for your cup of crop you could plant your tail there and that way you have new kale before you have to pull out the old God bless thank you
Technically strawberries are a veggie because the seed is on the outside.
Hi Jess, Thanks so much for sharing. I have now binge watched all your videos now :). Used to live in Littlerock, many years ago, now back in Canada in the Okanagan. Great summers here but the winters can be brutal too. I would like to know more about your high tunnels – are they a kit or did you just purchase all the parts and self-construct. If there is a video on this, just a link would be fab. Cheers from the North. Judy Mc.
Love your garden tours! where did you get your portable black light from?
Jessica, you have a field now……..time to plan that Sunflower Field next summer!
My neighbor has asparagus she wants to get ride of, when is a good time to dig it up & move to my property
We are zone 5/6 indiana