March 23, 2025

VIDEO: BAD Soil | Less Watering | Plant SWEET POTATOES How to in Backyard Gardening

BAD Soil | Less Watering | Plant SWEET POTATOES How to in Backyard Gardening

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#sweetpotatoes #survivalfood

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: BAD Soil | Less Watering | Plant SWEET POTATOES How to in Backyard Gardening

  1. I've made my own slips from grocery store sweet potatoes. I start them very early in January or February by putting the tuber about halfway submerged in water. My results haven't been great, that is, I get a few small sweet potatoes, but my season is short here in Canada. This year, they are planted in the clay soil under about four inches of wood chip mulch.

  2. yea great one to grow that is actual food/calories. One can grow hundreds of pounds with ease… well the harvesting is slightly laborious but its tons of food so its worth it. My favorite for taste has been the purple stoke variety.

  3. Thanks mark. I plant them in the ground without roots at all. Just keeping the ground moisture in the beginning, and after few days i already see new leaves.also planting the vine horizontal to get more roots.

  4. Hi Mark I have lived in two tropical country my Dad use to grow sweet potatoes slips on mounds of earth about a foot high when watered the excess water runs down along the gully which makes sense of what you said they don't like wet soil so they sit on top of a dry mound with just enough water at their roots. I am growing a very unusual variety this year with dark red flesh, a Japanese variety.
    Thanks for the video.

  5. I saw other videos where slips were planted and they let the vines climb up a trellis? The way you described the vines have to touch the ground and thats where the sweet potatotes form? Thank you in advance

  6. Hi Mark! We love your videos! I have a problem and need your advice, please. Trying to do "the right thing", I heavily mulched my garden with manure in sawdust and consequently raised the ph to 7–measured with a ph indicator from a garden store. Most of my plants have languished if not outright died. Please, what should I do (correctly) now?

  7. Well…I've grown them for 3 seasons here in London UK, and harvests are pretty slim – our climate doesn't really support it. However, I do love them, so I keep going. My favourite is actually 'Bonita', a white-fleshed variety. I've mastered the curing, which is good – the websites I read were all very vague on what constituted 'cured', but I worked out it was when all the little wounds had crusted over. I wonder now if I'd get better crops in a mound like yours – something to try next year!

  8. An even greater survival food is the word of God. Psm 119:105
    Planted on good soil it will bring forth a great harvest. Lets plant the word in our hearts so we can survive any storm. Jesus is soon to return be ready and stay ready

  9. I raise one season and one got 2# and I had plenty for the effort,yes a good producer.
    Grandma said plant on the most ridged part of the garden for drainage and make a ridge, Believe I learned well

  10. Hello again-I have another question. We do not disturb the soil deeper than an inch to preserve mycorrhizal fungi, but what does digging sweet potatoes do to the established fungi? Please elaborate.

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