March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 8 Of My BEST Raised Bed Gardening Tips

Buy the raised beds I have in my yard here: Raised bed gardening is my favorite method of growing plants. There are SO many benefits, especially in small spaces: aesthetics, control, planning, variety…the list goes on. Here are some of my raised bed gardening tips – some old, some new – so sit back, brew a cup of coffee and enjoy the video!


0:00 – Intro
0:45 – Filling Raised Beds
2:54 – Irrigating Raised Beds
5:46 – How Tall Should a Bed Be
8:25 – How to Know When to Plant
12:05 – Succession Sowing
16:05 – Cut and Come Again Harvesting
19:22 – Interplanting
23:31 – Replanting a Raised Bed
26:25 – Outro


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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: 8 Of My BEST Raised Bed Gardening Tips

  1. Love this channel and ur wisdom and gardening and i am starting out 1st time this year myself and i trust doing ur tips n tricks and experience will help me way way more and. I am gonna start my gardening channel soon and give my advise and experience and my journey along the way

  2. Would the "no dig" method work for smaller containers also? I live in an apartment so I can only grow things in pots. I never know what to do with the old soil. The roots typically take up so much space in the container that I don't leave them in. But I would love to be able to reuse the soil! For my indoor herbs I do use fresh bagged mix, because I don't want pests. I had to get rid of everything that I had put worm castings in, because it infested my plants with gnats! But on my balcony, the bugs won't be such an issue.

  3. So I'm in North Carolina and I have many pots that are outside and raise beds and I do not have the room to move them all in the house I'm wondering during the seasons that the weather is cold we only have a few seasons that we have winter it's like a shorter winter or longer summer I was wondering is covering them through the winter going to be able to sustain them for the next season

  4. I was chuckling over the discussion of zones and frost dates. I live in central OR at 4200 feet vertical. We are zone 3-4. We can freeze any night of the year. And lots of people garden. It's a matter of understanding what, when and how.

  5. I remember I was so excited because all my tomato seedlings sprouted and planted them all so I'm now left with tons of mother plants with huge amounts of tomatoes. Succession planting would be a good thing

  6. Great videos! Thank you. I'm just getting back into gardening since I retired. I wanted to ask how your neighbors or HOA was with the front yard raised beds. Some places here in FLA they're quite testy about it.

  7. you should make a video about complimentary plants like corn, tomatoes, and beans. its very economical. you can plant 3 different crops all within the same space. the corn will give the beans something to grab onto and the roots of the tomatoes and corn will actually trade and share nutrients, allowing for the beans to syphon nutrients from that as well as the soil. plants that are beneficial for eahother are so cool.

  8. Does USDA hardiness zones provide information about heat, not just frost? I live in AZ where temps can get to 120 midsummer. I’m planning on beginning the garden this month when temps begin to drop again and go as long as I can. First time gardening! I’m super excited!

  9. Hey could you please give me your opinion on birdy steel raised beds… how do you conttol the heat of sun around the boundary of steel bed's??? As we know steel absorb the heat so how badly it affect the soil roots of plants around the boundary and how do you manage it?

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