Tomatoes Test | How LATE is Late Planting How to in The Garden
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looking good Mark !
I'm zone 6b also, but in the West. East side of Oregon.
I always learn something with your videos please keep them coming!
Thanks. I'll need to plant some more. White fly larva(?) are ruining my current planting. Tried sevin, mixture of Dawn, water and peppermint, BT and nothing seemed to work.
Not late in Reno, hit 28 f two weeks ago, now it’s time to plant, growing seasons have been awful here since last spring
Listen to those birds! What a lovely day out in the garden <3
I imagine that where you live affects how you grow tomatoes. If you live in Arkansas, your plants may be more susceptible to fungus or soil borne diseases.
In Colorado, we generally don't suffer from a lot of soil born diseases. I imagine NJ doesn't either.
On your advice from an earlier video, I've covered our tomatoes with plenty of leaf mulch and then straw from the winter rye. The first green tomatoes have appeared and I'm looking forward to seeing, and tasting, the results.
I'm also very curious how the late planting goes. I think some of our tomatoes, the cherry variety in particular, were stunted by a cold snap. So maybe I should just seed them late, in mid April or May, rather than at the beginning of March.
This is the video I have been waiting for! I too live in a windy area, I call it a wind tunnel, lol, and I grow my toms against a cattle panel. So many videos show the string method and tomato cages and I’ve been wondering if I should change. The minute you said “wind” and “cattle panel” I knew not to change methods. You have saved me so much work. I am grateful to you for making this video. Thanks Mark.
Do you too your indeterminates?
Interesting ideas for growing tomatoes (not pruning, keeping it low etc), I would love to see it how they grow and fruit later on
i prefer to plant my tomatoes deep, taking off some of the leaves. i feel it makes them a bit more drought resistant.
Thank you! Awesome video
I too am a sucker-leaver. Where I live it gets really hot and dry in summer. So especially for indeterminates I need the shade of the denser foliage to protect from sun scald and drying of the soil. Those suckers also put on extra fruit!
Did I miss it? Did you make the distinction between determinate and indeterminate varieties?
Thank you. I too just started planting tomatoes. My barometer is
I grow my tomatoes vertically to optimize space in my garden, but your information about plant height has intrigued me. I think I'll conduct an experiment next year. Thanks Mark for the inspiration
I grew winter rye in my raised beds and then cut it as straw for mulch and trans planted and direct seeded into the roots of the winter rye then I read a disturbing artical in the 2010 farmers alminac that said you should not plant into winter rye roots right after termination of the rye because the rye has put out an anti weed control substance that will not let any weed seeds or any other seeds grow well. It said you have to wait several weeks before direct seeding or transplanting. Have you ever heard anything like that about winter rye?????
Question? This is good news but I purchased a tomato plant a six weeks ago. It had one small tomato on it and lots of flowers. It appears that something ate all the flowers. I’ve just harvested the first tomato and now it is just a green plant. Is there any possibility that more flowers will form?
Quite right Mark I enjoy my garden not a good idea to stick to rigid rules because it can make you feel like a failure. Lovely clean straw thanks for the video.
Your tomato plants look great. Do you only fertilize with worm casings? Do you add N?
Mark- I'm with you on the pruning of suckers, or rather the "not" pruning of suckers. I may take off the bottom row of leaves and suckers especially if they're touching the ground but other than that I let the tomato do its thing. I've been doing this with Sugar Gold tomatoes for years and I get a bumper crop.
i live in wheat country in SE Washington State. We usually refer to Straw as the stalk that is left after the seeds have been harvested. Some times farmers will cut wheat or other grains such as oats when the seed heads are just maturing yet there is a lot of green in the stalks and seed heads, this is referred to as Wheat, or Oat hay. I am interested i using winter rye and running a roller over it in spring just prior to planting my other crops in it as a way to terminate the rye. I wish i had tomato plants to plant this year–yet im moving in 3 weeks locally so didnt do a garden this year
Thanks for another informative video, Mark. And also, thanks for taking the time to respond to all the comments. I get lot's of good info from those.
My issue with not pulling suckers is blight. Bushy plants don't promote enough air flow for me
Hi Mark, thanks for all your videos! Would you advise planting winter rye in wood chips. I don't get as many as I would like and I'm getting some bermuda grass coming up through them. Thanks!
Hi Mark. Great content on your channel. May I ask why you only use one or two species for your covercrop?
In the book 'dirt to soil' by Gabe Brown he talks of a test he did where they planted acre plots with mono-crop cover.. Using cowpea, soybean, turnip, and oilseed radish. They also planted an acre with multispecies combination using all of the above plus sunflower and millet. The results were 3 times greater production from the polyculture.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom on gardening and your humility, honesty and humblness as well.
Hello, my garden is dry like this too. Are the soil life organisms going to die off? Will they have to start from scratch or could they bounce back when it rains?
I just planted one in my leaf mold and am not going to be doing any trellising as I want to see what happens if it's not trellised.
Your an inspiration and I wish you lived in Florida!