March 27, 2025

VIDEO: How to Trellis Vining Plants That Are Just Plain STUBBORN!

have you ever had a cucumber, or a cantaloupe that just didn’t want to climb? It just wanted to keep growing ion the ground and was a space hog? Well in this episode I will show you just how to get those stubborn plants onto a trellis and growing right. Check out our new clothing line!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Trellis Vining Plants That Are Just Plain STUBBORN!

  1. Thank you Luke! This is the best video eva…or its just perfect timing!!! I also talk to my plants first thing in the morning and often touch or brush my hand along then too! I loved the way you told them how to act! I’m on my way out to show those cucumbers which way to grow. Quick question: when I snip off branches or suckers, does it force growth or flowering to the main stem or am I choosing less fruit for less bushiness. It’s sooo hard for me to trim suckers! You’re the best.

  2. The back of the MIGardener Henderson lima bean packet is unclear about whether it’s bush or vining. Could you clarify, please? Thanks. Love your videos. They’re both informative and entertaining.

  3. I have been watching your Videos for close to a year now. I love your Channel! I have learned a lot and I Love It!
    I have a question about my Cherry tomatoes. They keep cracking/skin splitting… I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. At first, they produced a lot and they were awesome! Then, they started cracking, often before they are ripe, ? Please HELP!!!

  4. Hey Luke! Thanks for the tips. I’m kind of new in gardening and so far I have “chayote” growing 🙂 and also got my sweet potato started. My problem here though is the soil, when it’s dry it gets really hard. So I am worried about the sweet potato hahaha! But the Chayote is on a trellis I made and it continue to grow but no sign of flowers yet :-(.

  5. Are you in Michigan? Is that why your channel is called MIGardner? I'm in Michigan that's why I ask. Also, I'm a beginner, wouldnt the weight of the fruit pull the plant down?

  6. Beautiful garden, I just found your channel; new subscriber! Wondering if you have a sketch map of how you organized and set up, for example what is planted with what and what do you have in all the gardens? Very curious because I’ve been looking for some examples to follow for next year. This year I didn’t know what I was doing so there’s no rhyme or reason and it’s driving me crazy because I’m pretty organized and like a plan. I do have a greenhouse as well. Love your videos! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  7. Melons require all of their leaves to produce the sugars for sweet melons. Any reduction of leaves equates to a loss of sugar content in the fruit. The best melons are grown without pruning any leaves or branches and only allowing the first few melons to develop.

  8. Hi Luke, great video and I have a question about your nasturtiums. How on earth did your round leaves get so big? And do you eat the leaves, I use the flowers in salads, curious about eating the leaves as well.

  9. Looking back through some of your older videos & loving them of course. My question is, when trellising(sp) plants such as cantaloupe or watermelons, how to you support the fruits?

  10. Luke, what about decorative gourd? I tried getting mine to climb a trellis but with such thick stems and giant leaves I found it hard to train them up the trellis even when relatively small. It seems you cantaloupe has much thinner and more flexible vines. Any advice?

  11. Super awesome channel it has totally changed my perspective on plants and turned my garden around dramatically! Love your enthusiasm and scientific like explanations!!!

  12. Great video. what about a video of side shoots on cucumber plants and those besides tomatoes that some may not know about. Like how to remove them and when and how to notice them.

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