Thanks for joining me for a walk through our garden! We grow in Central Arkansas, Zone 7b.
The Beans and berries are growing in vertical towers called Greenstalks.
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That’s a lot of love and if you find something you love it makes the work a lil easier.
I read that the Italian trumpet zucchini sqwash that has a bulb at the end has a strong enough stem that vine borers can't damage it. Also it can be used as a winter squash. It also can be cut off daily and still stay fresh on the kitchen counter.
Really prefer your natural look, it is more authentic. <3
I love how Bear is always assisting You in these videos… It make me smile, especially when I imagine him with a clip-board making notes on everything You say… He's such a devoted gardener
You know what would be really pretty in your cottage garden? I think wood chips in the pathways would really set off the beds and plants.
Where do you find the Not A Peno pepper seeds?? My wife can't take the heat!
Jalapeno Peppers don't like being mulched in. The soil stays to cool, they like the soil good and hot. They also prefer a more sandy soil.
I love your channel. It really helps. I can't wait for your book. I am getting it. When is it expected to come out?
Do you freeze dry your kale ? The market down where I live freeze dry it then add flavours to it . It’s really good
The fact that you think that Brad's Atomic Grapes taste like beer, makes me want to grow them. I love Beer! Thanks for the tip!
Beautiful tour.
I can see where you are coming from with the atomic grape tomatoes tasting hoppy. Hops are a flower after all and if you get past the bitterness you will taste and smell the floral notes in a good beer. I get that with tomatoes all the time. I've grown Atomic grape the last 2 seasons and like them ok. I live in zone 4 so it's been a struggle to get tomatoes to ripen. I've got lots of ideas for next season and many of them came from you! I love this channel
have you every tried Freesia? I discovered them this year (even tho they are pretty common) and i'm loving them! Perennial. They grow so fast and multiply so fast and they smell soooooooo good its insane. Plant it along your walkways and you will feel like you are walking in sweet heaven.
The streaked zinnia variety that you call peppermint are Candy Cane zinnia's.
Have you ever tried sweet millions cheery tomatoes? They are a red and have great flavor. We grow them here in Canada.
Would like to know how tall your beds are
I don't hear anyone talking about Grape Tomatoes. These are the most wonderful SWEET you can ask for.
My Purple Basil spreads itself all over the place. It was called Opal by the donor. I'm not impressed with the flavor. What I am blessed with is volunteer Elephant Garlic. It is bountiful, but I have had occasions of worrying that I had eaten all of it. Fortunately, they love to grow…all over the place.
My family calls me king coleus because I love growing as many funky varieties as possible to collect seeds and they propagate so easily! I love your varieties, very different that second one!
Wows !!! So Beautiful ⚘
Wow i am impressed. I love jess's passion and zeal for gardening. Knowledgeable, very nice lovely character, perfect and beautiful lady.
Accidentally harming my little family and innocents was my other worst get along with being a burden. See the pattern?
Can’t be humble so MINE… I just keep swimming…
I've planted carrots I want to save seed from in my flower bed and they were very pretty when flowering.
Jess l love your smile n the way you tour your garden thanks youto teaches us how to make my own garden .
My brassicas overwintered here in Michigan with nothing but the tansies beside them for protection. Now they're flowering beautifully and will provide seeds for next year!
My husband likes when I make jelly with the queens lace. I think it tastes like plastic lol
I love your garden and completely agree with you about the whole black thumb thing. Like you I thought I had a black thumb and just then realized I never really cared to learn their needs and completely left it to chance and hoped for the best. But like everything else in life, they just require effort and they are so eager to please when you do just that.
I plan to completely give up a couple beds to my children for them to plant and take over and tend to. The lessons they’ll reap will be invaluable.
Thank you for what you do!